Saturday, May 6, 2017

Books Read - Week in Review - W/E - 5/6/2017

Not sure where the week went or what I did with my time, because I only finished one book this week. We did eat out quite a bit and managed to see a wonderful movie ---

Storyline (IMDb)

Frank Adler (Chris Evans) is a single man raising a child prodigy - his spirited young niece Mary (Mckenna Grace) in a coastal town in Florida. Frank's plans for a normal school life for Mary are foiled when the seven-year-old's mathematical abilities come to the attention of Frank's formidable mother Evelyn (Lindsay Duncan) whose plans for her granddaughter threaten to separate Frank and Mary. Octavia Spencer plays Roberta, Frank and Mary's landlady and best friend. Jenny Slate is Mary's teacher, Bonnie, a young woman whose concern for her student develops into a connection with her uncle as well. ----We LOVED this movie! Wonderful from beginning to end, sweet, funny, touching and even a one-eyed cat named Fred. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED

Books Read

Grand Central Publishing - 2017

(My Thoughts) - I love a good memoir, and this one, although heartbreaking at times, was just wonderful.  

Leah Carroll was raised in Rhode Island. Her mother, Joan,  struggled with substance abuse and was murdered in 1984 by drug dealers with ties to the mafia. These individuals believed that Joan was an informant.  She was killed in a motel and her body dumped elsewhere.  Her father, Kevin, really seemed to love his daughter and wanted to give her a good life but, he battled his own demons. Although gainfully employed, Kevin struggled with depression and alcoholism and died in1998 at the age of 48, when Leah was 18.  A determined young woman, who wanted to know more about the mother she never got to know, Leah researched and interviewed those who had the information she desperately wanted. This memoir was so well-written, I can imagine how painful the process must have been for the author, yet she never comes across as bitter or resentful for a childhood that was anything but normal. Down City is a "must read" for anyone who enjoys a good memoir.  A definite page-turner, you won't want to be interrupted once you begin. (5/5 stars)

Currently Reading

Anything is Possible; Elizabeth Strout
Random House - 2017

The Fall of Lisa Bellow; Susan Perabo
Simon & Schuster - 2017

Have a Nice Weekend!


  1. You've convinced me to see Gifted! Hadn't heard of it but will look for it. Have a nice weekend, Diane.

  2. Yay - I'm so glad to hear you loved Down City! It's been on my TBR for awhile...I'd sorta planned to save it for Nonfiction November, but I might pick it up soon now. I've been working on a crime books post and it would be a perfect fit for that!

  3. I've seen the trailer for Gifted quite a few times and thought it looked good.

    Down City looks really good to me.

  4. Down City sounds like a worthwhile read. To grow up without a parent is difficult. To have no mother because of the violent acts is doubly tragic.

    The book sounds interesting in a lot of ways.

    1. Down City was sad but, I like when you see the underdog grow stronger as a result.

  5. You're totally right about Gifted. It was a really good movie. It was a 4/4 for me.

  6. Those covers are all very interesting!

  7. I saw the trailer at the theater for Gifted and it does look like a movie I'd enjoy as well. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, Diane.

  8. I like the way you do a weekly update. I only do a monthly list and then review each one separately. My April list is here:
    Gifted sounds like a great movie! It has gone on my list. Same with the memoir. Thanks!

    1. I use to post individual reviews but just too much work these days for me.

  9. Enjoyed Gifted too. Very cute movie with some life lessons.

  10. Down City sounds so good...and I have seen some previews of Gifted, so it's on my "must see" list. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Did you see "Gifted" at the cinema or at home via Netflix or some other streaming agent? Have it on my list in any case as well as Down City, because, yes, I do love a good memoir. Thank you, Diane!

    1. Judith - Gifted is still at the good. Down City is great as well.


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