Tuesday, October 25, 2022

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - Mad Honey; Jodi Picoult and Jennifer Finney Boylan

Welcome to First Chapter/Intros, hosted by Yvonne @ Socrates Book ReviewsEach week readers post the first paragraph (or 2) of a book we are reading or plan to read soon.

Mad Honey; Jodi Picoult and Jennifer Finney Boylan
Ballantine Books - 2022

December 7, 2018 ...the day of

From the moment I know I was having a baby, I wanted it to be a girl. I wandered the aisles of department stores, touching doll sized dresses and sequined shoes.  I pictured us with matching nail polish--me, who'd never had a manicure in my life. I imagined the day her fairy hair was long enough to capture in pigtails her nose pressed to the glass of a school bus window: I saw her first crush, prom dress, heartbreak. Each vision was a bead on a rosary of future memories. I prayed daily.

As it turned out, I was not a zealot...only a martyr.

What do you think...read more or pass?


  1. Ooh, I loved this book! Thanks for sharing the excerpts.

    1. I'm glad you loved this one and, I see the reviews are very favorable.

  2. I'm not sure where this one is headed, but I am intrigued. :)

    1. I noticed the reviews are mostly good so I'l hoping I will like it.

  3. Jodi Picoult is a favorite author, but I've wondered about this new book that is co-written. I look forward to your review, Diane.

    1. Yes, I know she wrote some with her daughter that I haven't read but, the reviews are very good for this one so fingers crossed I'll like it.

  4. Yes, I definitely want to read this one. I have it on my list at the library. I love this author.

  5. I think it sounds very good so hoping to begin it this weekend.

  6. I would definitely read more! Not sure what to make of that beginning but it sounds very foreboding?

    1. The intro really drew me in as well, I hope to start it this weekend.

  7. It sounds really interesting, I'd have to read some more.

    1. I'm glad that the intro appealed to you, it drew me in as well.

  8. Oh wow, I am surprised you haven't tried her. There were quite a few I loved but, there were a few like one about a school shooting which I didn't care for.

  9. Not sure how it'll go but it does sound interesting.

  10. Wonder if she got the girl she hoped for.

  11. I haven't read a Picoult novel in all these years, which is hard to believe ... but I heard this one was good. I will wait to hear what you think.

  12. This book is on my 'want to read' list. Piccoult is one of my fave authors, but her topics are always fraught with emotion/tension/social justice/ etc. I have to portion her out over time. This book will probably come to me post-Christmastime, when I have a block of curl up and read time.

  13. I wonder if she got her girl. I've heard good things about this one. I hope you're doing well, Diane. I've been a terrible blogger lately, just can't get it together! Thinking of you.

  14. Hi Diane,
    I'm hoping and hoping you are doing well. Wishing you the very best!


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