Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Waiting on Wednesday ~ We are Water; Wally Lamb

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating. This week's pick is by another favorite author:

Oct 29th-2013 - Harper Collins

Book Description Obtained HERE -

"Set in New England and New York during the first years of the Obama presidency, "We Are Water" explores America's class divisions, its changing social mores and its legacy of racial violence . . . [and] asks: where does art come from, what motivates the artist to create it, and what is creativity's relationship to madness?"

The novel follows the long marriage and break-up of half-Chinese, half-Italian university psychologist and his wife, an "outsider" artist, and the lives of their twins. When the wife plans to marry the woman who is her art dealer, it opens a "Pandora's box of toxic secrets."


  1. Oh, I love Wally Lamb's books! I'm adding this one to my list...thanks!

    Here's MY WOW POST

  2. Great choice, Diane. Wally Lamb is one of my favorite authors. Wasn't aware he had another book coming out--can't wait to read it!

  3. I CANNOT WAIT for a new Wally Lamb novel!!

  4. It's been way too long...I can't wait for this one, either!

  5. Oh my gosh, a new Wally Lamb? I want it too!

  6. Looks great- can't wait to read it!

    Kerri @

  7. Love books set in New England--plus a new Wally Lamb? Win! Happy to have discovered your blog.

  8. Hrm...not sure this is my tastes -- but given the love from everyone here, maybe I'm wrong!

  9. Ok … I'm there with this one too.

  10. I like this author so this is one I would pick up!


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