Tuesday, November 26, 2013

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros ~ The Consolations of the Forest: Alone in a Cabin on the Siberian Taiga; Sylvain Tesson

Every Tuesday I host First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros, where I share the first paragraph or (a few) of a book I am reading or thinking about reading soon. Care to join us?  

This week I'm choosing a non fiction book. It seems like the perfect book for me to read and unwind with after Thanksgiving festivities have come and gone.

 Sylvain Tesson ~Rizzoli ex Libris - 2013

"I'D PROMISED MYSELF that before I turned forty I would live as a hermit deep in the woods.

I went to spend six months in a Siberian cabin on the shores of Lake Baikal, on the tip of North Cedar Cape.  Seventy-five miles from the nearest village, no neighbors, no access roads, and every now and then, a visit.  Wintertime temperatures in the minus twenties Fahrenheit; the summer brought bears out into the open.  In short: paradise."

What do you think? Would you keep reading? Feel free to join us by linking your First Chapter post below


  1. I would keep reading...I want to know what happens....

  2. I'm not really into non-fiction that much but I appreciate the depiction of 'cold' as 'paradise'. Hope you enjoy reading this one.

    Here's my First Chapter, First Paragraph post :)

  3. Fascinating! Recently I read The Year of Miracle and Grief by Leonid Borodin which is set around Lake Baikal, so The Consolations of the Forest sounds a good book for me to read.

    My book this week is non fiction too.

  4. The thought that comes to mind is: One person's paradise is another person's hell. It's probably an interesting account of life in the wild. Hope you enjoy.

  5. Sounds intriguing and well worth reading for the setting and the solitude enjoyed.

  6. That does sound like a good book for the post-Thanksgiving bustle!

  7. Not my idea of paradise, but I hope you enjoy it. Happy Thanksgiving!

  8. I would keep reading! I live in the country with nature all around, but this memoir seems a more stark take on country living ... I have come to enjoy more and more the memoir genre ... have just begun Eve Ensler's memoir In the Body of the World. It promises to be a good read. Enjoy your turkey and your post feast read, Diane! Happy Thanksgiving!

  9. I would read on. I may not think Siberian cold as paradise, but certainly the solitude idea is paradise. I often wonder how I would survive for 6 month alone. I'm going to add this one to my NF list.
    Have a great holiday.

  10. OMG, you are reading this book! It has to be the best nonfiction I have read this year, stunning beauty, great reflections, loved it so so much. and I have it for a virtual book tour next week, with lots of chances to win an extra copy for a friend. see here: http://francebooktours.com/2013/10/03/sylvain-tesson-on-tour-the-consolations-of-the-forest/

  11. It might be really good, but the intro didn't do it for me.

  12. Paradise? Not for me, but it sounds interesting.

  13. I'm supposed to read this next week and review it, so I'm anxious to see what you think. Here's Mine

  14. I'd love to know what the author does all day. This book sounds really interesting. I think I would keep reading, I'm just not sure I can promise to get through the entire book! I'm very interested in your review! I hope you enjoy this book!

  15. that sounds like a perfect after Thanksgiving read. Have a happy Thanksgiving. kelley—the road goes ever ever on

  16. I rarely read non-fiction, but being a bit of a hermit myself, I think I'd love this.

  17. I don't know, the 'wintertime' part is giving me the shivers! Alone on an island in the Caribbean, now I'm there! :)

  18. I don't like the cold, but the isolation does sound peaceful. I seem to be working on a "being peaceful in the city" project, though. =]

  19. very intriguing! yes, i'd keep reading.

  20. Very intriguing- yes, I'd keep reading!

  21. Funny, Dave and I were just talking about something like this after seeing a piece on TV about a PA man who lives in the woods with no modern conveniences except a truck. We decided it initially sounds great, but then we thought of everything we would have to give up and it lost all the romance. I like solitude, but enough is enough. :)

  22. Away from home and could not participate this time around in this meme. Next week will be there.

  23. I would keep reading. There awe many days I wish I was in a cabin far away somewhere. Lol.


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