Thursday, July 7, 2016

In a Dark Dark Wood; Ruth Ware

Gallery/Scout Press - 2015

I recently finished Ruth Ware's, The Girl in Cabin 10 and enjoyed it so, I decided to read her debut mystery as well which is also reminiscent of Agatha Christie's books.

In this story, Nora, A.K.A. Lee is a 26 year old reclusive writer living in London. One day she receives an unexpected email inviting her to a "hen party" weekend at a remote cabin.  She hasn't seen Clare, her former school mate in over 10 years and is surprised she is being invited.  The two used to be very good friends until some happened between them and they haven't seen each other since.

Even though Nora only knows one of the other guest besides Clare she decides to venture outside of her comfort zone to attend.  When all the guests arrive things go very bad very soon after arriving.

The novel begins with Nora waking up in a hospital trying to recall what happened at the party. The story held my interest and is very atmospheric, that glass house out in the middle of the woods and the snow has fallen. A good deal of tension fills the pages as I tried to piece together what had happened and why.  The story is told in flashbacks both past and more recent.  I found this to be a satisfying mystery overall.

4/5 stars


  1. Sounds like a good one, or a wood one!

  2. Sounds very good, and I have it on my shelf. I need to read your review for her second book. Thanks :)

  3. I had both of her books on my Kindle but lost Wood in the Kindle transfer. I was able to restore Cabin 10 though. I thought I'd read it at camp but there was seriously not one moment to be had for reading.

  4. I read this one a while back and liked it very much. That glass house....seriously creepy. Reminded me of some movie I saw one time with a girl running from someone and she was staying in a house with huge windows. The dark...the forest...loved it. Anyway, I'm excited to read Ruth Ware's second book soon. I love books set on board ships, even though I've never been on a cruise myself.

    1. Yes, Kay - I think the movie you are thinking of was with Bullock & Reeves - The Lake House.

  5. I didn't choose The Girl In Cabin 10 on audio, there were too many to choose from. I may have to get it print. This sounds good to.

    1. You would enjoy it. I did hear the audio was good as well.

  6. Diane, I'm glad this book held your interest! It sounds like a scary tale.

  7. Another author I have heard of but haven't read. I am not a big Agatha Christie fan but this one sounds good.

  8. Glad to hear you liked it. I read it last year and really enjoyed it even if I wasn't wowed by the ending. I'm definitely looking forward to her new book.

  9. I've had this in hand to buy, at least 3 times, but I keep getting distracted by something else. I need to make a promise to myself ro read it this book, and stick to it.

  10. Looks like it's time for a dark, dark read!


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