Tuesday, January 23, 2018

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday intros - Alternate Side; Anna Quindlen

Every Tuesday Vicki @ I'd Rather Be at the Beach now hosts First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros, where readers share the first paragraph, maybe two, of a book that they are reading or plan to read soon. 

Here's the book that I started yesterday. It is kind of slow moving but well-written so far.

Alternate Side; Anna Quindlen
Random House - 2018

"Just look at that," Charlie Nolan said, his arm extended like that of a maitre d indicating a particularly good table.

"Oh, my God, stop," said Nora Nolan, looking through the narrow opening of the parking lot, at the end of which she could just glimpse the front bumper of their car.

Based on that intro, would you read more or pass? 


  1. Nothing in that opening particularly attracts me, but I'd keep reading because it's Anna Quindlen! Looking forward to the book's release.

  2. Didn't realize she has a new book on the way. I would read a bit more to see if Quindlen can hook me like she's done with some of her other novels.

  3. I'm with JoAnn -- it's not calling to me, but I generally will read what Quindlen writes

  4. Not the most gripping intro, but I love this author and would keep reading.

  5. Oh, yes, that opening grabbed me...and the name Anna Quindlen sealed the deal. I have loved all of her books so far...can't wait to read this one, too. Here's mine: “LIE WITH ME”

    1. I love her books as well but, this is a slower pace than most.

  6. I am a big fan of Quindlen. And she is coming to the Bay Area in a couple of months. So I will have to take a look at this one.

  7. The opening doesn't grab me, and the reviews on Goodreads weren't great but like the others I like the author so I would hang in there for a while hoping it would hook me in.

    1. Same here Susan - not her best book so far but, that might change.

  8. I've never read anything by Anna Quindlen. I do wonder what's up with their car, but I don't know that the opening particularly grabs me.

  9. No, the intro doesn't draw me in, but as others have said - Anna Quindlen! Her book, EVERY LAST ONE, is a favorite of mine. And always will be.

  10. The first paragraph didn't grab me, but I'll read it simply because it's Anna Qundlen. I like her novels.

  11. Not so interesting for an opening. It needs more of a hook to grab me!

  12. I have not read any books by Anna Quindlen. She sure does have dedicated fans. Maybe next time I need an author whose last name begins with Q, hard to find, I will try her. But not on the basis of those opening lines. I will wait for your review.

  13. Not so sure just based off the beginning but I've always wanted to read something by Anna Quindlen. I've heard raves over the years.

  14. I'm not sure. I think I need a bit more.

  15. I love Anna Quindlen's books, but this intro isn't exactly grabbing my attention. I liked Miller's Valley and thought Still Life With Breadcrumbs was also quite good, but nothing has come close to Every Last One and One True Thing. I'll probably get this new one at the library. If it's a winner, I'll go ahead and a buy a copy for my keeper shelf.

  16. Quindlen would attract me to read, but not so much the paragraph you share.


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