Tuesday, July 17, 2018

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - Kinship of Clover; Ellen Meeropol

Each Tuesday, Vicki, from I’d Rather Be At The Beach hosts First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros where  readers post the opening paragraph (sometime two) of a book that they are reading or plan to read. 

Kinship of Clover; Ellen Meeropol
Red Hen Press - 2017

Chapter One

"The first time Jeremy saw the plants go crazy was at the cat's funeral, held in the family greenhouse crowded with teas and herbs and medicine-plants growing in pots and flats, their vines spiraling up wooden stakes against the walls. The air was earthy and moist and candles--dozens of them, hundreds maybe--shimmered and the plants danced in the flickering."

What are your thoughts on this intro? I can't wait to begin this one. The reviews seem very positive.


  1. Oh, this sounds promising! Just read the following praise from one of my favorite authors:

    “Ellen Meeropol has an uncanny knack for examining the big topics of our contemporary world and putting a human face on them. In Kinship of Clover, she does this with intelligence and a big generous heart. An important book by a unique writer, it’s a must read.” ―Ann Hood, The Knitting Circle

    I'm sold!

  2. It's a great intro, I love it!!

    Here is my Teaser for Tuesday. Have a great day!

    Luv, Sassy x

  3. I don't know anything about this title, or the author, but I'm curious...

  4. This might be something I would read. I'll have to look for it. See what we are featuring at Girl Who Reads

  5. Now I'm very curious...and that is an interesting cover. Great excerpt! Thanks for sharing, and enjoy. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  6. Haven't heard of this one before, but the title drew me in, as did the opening. I'll have to take a closer look.

    1. I saw this one on another blog and it seemed like a "ME" book - quirky.

  7. I had to go look at the blurb and I agree that this book seems quite different and interesting. I'll watch for your thoughts on it.

    1. It seems a bit quirky from the overview and I do enjoy quirky.

  8. I love it all: the intro, the cover, the title and the author's name.

    1. Judy, glad the intro appealed to you. I almost posted a second paragraph but did not want to give too much away LOL

  9. This sounds like a book I'd enjoy - happy reading!

    1. Cleo, glad that you liked the intro, will be starting it soon.

  10. Sounds good. I'd want to read more.

  11. Promising beginning. I like the idea of the family greenhouse--I'd read more!

  12. I'll have to explore some more, but it has promise.


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