Tuesday, August 7, 2018

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - House Arrest; Ellen Meeropol

Each Tuesday, Vicki, from I’d Rather Be At The Beach hosts First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros where  readers post the opening paragraph (sometime two) of a book that they are reading or plan to read. 

  House Arrest; Ellen Meeropol
Red Hen Press - 2011

1 ~ Emily

"I tried to get out of the assignment.  Prenatal visits to a prisoner? Okay, house arrest, same difference.  I couldn't believe that I was supposed to take care of a woman whose child died in a cult ritual.  What kind of mother could get so involved in an oddball religion that she'd let her baby freeze to death? And what kind of name was Pippa?

Don't get me wrong. Every patient deserves expert and compassionate care.  Even the most despicable criminal.  I learned that in nursing school and I believe it, really.  Still, the assignment gave me the creeps."

What do you think? This is the author's debut novel. I recently finished another book by this author that I really enjoyed, Kinship of Clover, so decided to try her debut novel as well.


  1. Yes, I would read more, sounds like it might be interesting!

  2. It has me curious. See what I'm featuring at Girl Who Reads

    1. I'm looking forward to beginning this one, it's rather short.

  3. Yes, I'd keep going. Probably helps that my daughter is a L&D nurse and I've heard all sorts of prenatal and postnatal stories. I'm curious about that cover though. Seriously. I can't think what that might represent.

  4. Makes me curious to know more but the narrator seems awfully judgemental. This week I am featuring Wild Hunger by Chloe Neill. Happy reading!

    1. Oh no, I'd probably be reacting the same way but, I do realize I can be a bit judgmental at times - not a good thing.

  5. This is rather odd, which makes me interested to read on!

  6. I like the crisp writing. The author sure got my attention. Good for a debut.

  7. Sounds very tempting! And I love the name Pippa...lol. (That's the name of my Kindle).

    When I think of going inside prisons, I do get a little anxious...and remember scenes from Orange Is the New Black.

    Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

    1. I never watched Orange is the New Black but, I immediately thought of you and your Pippa when I read the intro LOL

  8. I would read more of this book! It has my interest! Going on my ever growing TBR!

    Here is mine for today: woabookreviews.wordpress.com/2018/08/07/first-chapter-first-paragraph-tuesday-week-2/

  9. Oh yes what a great sounding book - I love the opening because I think it is an absolutely realistic reaction from the narrator...

  10. The author was a nurse practitioner so I'm wondering if she might have had a similar experience at some time.

  11. This sounds really intriguing. I'd definitely keep reading.

  12. I am intrigued and look forward to your thoughts on the book.

  13. Hmm, that makes me curious. I'm not sure I'd want the assignment either. Sounds like a good read though. :)


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