Tuesday, October 23, 2018

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - In Pieces; Sally Field

Each Tuesday, Vicki, from I’d Rather Be At The Beach hosts First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros where  readers post the opening paragraph (sometime two) of a book that they are reading or plan to read.

In Pieces: a memoir; Sally Field
Grand Central Publishing - 2018

My Grandmother's Daughter

"I WAIT FOR my mother to haunt me as she promised she would; long to wake in the night with the familiar sight of her sitting at the end of my bed, to talk to her one more time, to feel that all the pieces have been put into place, the puzzle is solved, and I can rest.

Sometimes I think I've seen something out of the corner of my eye and I stop still in the middle of my Pacific Palisades kitchen, looking for the flutter of a sign; or I'm walking in the West Village, headed to my New York apartment, loaded down with groceries, when I hear her laugh ring out.  I turn in circles looking for her. Where are you mom? Why won't you come?"

What do you think, Any interest in this one? 

I love a good memoir and this one has been getting great reviews. Thanks to Grand Central Publishing for sending me this boo.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Diane,
      I've been hearing and reading about this memoir lately. I'm interested in reading it.

    2. I've always enjoyed this actress. Another "no drama" name like Meryl Streep.

  2. We like that lady and it sounds worthy of a read!

  3. I LOVED this one, Diane; I had planned to read it in bits and pieces (see what I did?), but I was soon hooked. I kept reading all day and finished it.

    Here's mine: “UNDER MY SKIN”

    1. That happens to me too, when I get hooked on a goodie! Glad u loved it.

  4. Nice pick, Diane. I've always liked Sally Field and do want to read her story from her perspective.

  5. I've always liked her too. All the way from her Gidget days and The Flying Nun - ha! I might consider this one on audio. Wonder if she narrates it?

  6. Always liked Sally Field so this would be an interesting read!

  7. Don't normally pick up celebrity memoirs, but have been tempted by this book.

  8. I don't read memoirs but like the writing style. This week I am featuring Wolf Rising by Paige Dixon. Happy reading!

  9. I would definitely keep reading this one. It's on my list. I'm hoping there is an audio version.

  10. I'd love to read this one because I've always liked this actress. It's off to a good start.

  11. Yes, I've seen this one around and I am intrigued, sounds very interesting. She is herself very intriguing! Hope you're enjoying it, Diane!

  12. Great intro. I wonder what she said about Burt Reynolds. She said that she was glad he hadn't lived to read what she had to say (about them?)


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