Thursday, December 27, 2018

A Christmas Revelation; Anne Perry

AUTHOR: Anne Perry
PUBLISHER: Ballantine
PUB. YEAR: 2018
SETTING:  Victorian London
FORMAT:  - library
RATING: 4/5 stars

"Worm" is a 9 year old river urchin who has never experienced a real Christmas. As luck would have it, a couple of kind-hearted people let him work at a clinic on Portpool Lane so that he is not alone.  There's a  grumpy old bookkeeper, Squeaky Robinson, a former brothel owner and Miss Claudine, a volunteer at the clinic who helps Worm learn about Christmas and miracles.  Ruby the maid and Mrs Bellflower the cook help to get ready for a special Christmas which includes a festive dinner, a nativity complete with wisemen, camel and of course a baby.  

When a few days before Christmas Worm witnesses what he believes is the abduction of a beautiful woman, he seeks out Squeaky's help. 

This was a nice Victorian era Christmas mystery. The book part of a series but, can certainly be enjoyed as a stand alone.  I loved the setting, the characters and the circumstances felt real as well. A nice story of hope and redemption, this one was a nice short read to welcome and celebrate the magic of Christmas. 


  1. I thought that the characters didn't sound modern until I saw your setting stating that it was a Victorian mystery. Sounds like another good read for the holidays. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

  2. Thus sounds like it would be a good mini series on PBS!

  3. I have never read anything by Ann Perry, but this one might be a good way to see if I like her writing. She has quite a backlist to choose from, that's for sure!

  4. I've never read Ann Perry. I hope you've had a great holiday season. It all feels like one big holiday until after the 1st doesn't it?


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