Sunday, February 9, 2020

Maybe You Should Talk to Someone: a Memoir; Lori Gottlieb

TITLE: Maybe You Should Talk to Someone
AUTHOR:  Lori Gottlieb
PUBLISHER: Houghton, Mifflin and Harcourt
PUB. YEAR: 2019
FORMAT: print/library
RATING: - 5/5

In this memoir written by psychotherapist, Lori Gottlieb, the author gives readers a sneak peek into the out-of-sync lives of (4) patients as well as insight into her own life during a period of turmoil when a relationship fell apart.  

In addition to the author's personal therapy sessions, the reader is introduced to John, a forty-something, successful producer, married with children who thinks most everyone he encounters is an "idiot".  Then there is Julie, a new bride who learns she has breast cancer. Also, Rita, a 69-year old woman  who wants to find a reason to go on living by her 70th birthday and, finally, Charlotte, a 20-something woman who drinks to much and gets involved with the wrong men.

This memoir was a delight, bold, brutally honest and funny at times as well, the stories were so readable. In some ways I was even able to relate to the Rita character's thought process at different points of her life. So happy that many of my blogger friends pointed this one out with their rave reviews.


  1. Good to know you liked this so well. I listened to a podcast with this author on Otherppl. I was impressed with her.

  2. Everyone is loving this one. I need to get my hands on a copy.

  3. And the audio is very well done too! I loved it.

    1. I listened to a bit of the audio but, ended up with mostly the print.

  4. Hi Diane,
    I'm so glad you liked this one. I, too, found most of her clients easy to relate to, and I found her insights, and her clients' about themselves, to be wonderful. I found her relationship with her therapist to be amusing and incredibly informative about the therapeutic process, and, life and relationships in general. Definitely won't forget this one.

    1. I did like the interaction between her and her therapist as well Judith.

  5. Thanks to you and your friends for giving me a heads-up on this one. Sounds good.

  6. I keep seeing good reviews of this, but am not sure if it's for me. I'll keep it on my radar.

    1. I hope you will try it - even if it's a DNF for some reason, it's worth trying.

  7. I generally steer clear of memoirs but this one certainly sounds like a worthwhile read. And, yes, I've seen all those rave reviews by other bloggers as well.

  8. I'll bet that was pretty good, our Mom is a retired therapist, she might enjoy that one.

  9. I wasn't expecting to like this one as much as I did, but it turned out to be my favorite audio in 2019. I'm glad you enjoyed it, too!

    1. It really drew me in; so well written and, I liked she told her story along the way.

  10. I've heard nothing but raves for this one!


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