Tuesday, October 13, 2020

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - His & Hers; Alice Feeney

Welcome to
 First Chapter/Intros, now hosted by Yvonne @ Socrates Book ReviewsEach week readers post the first paragraph (or 2) of a book they are reading or that they plan to read soon.

His & Hers; Alice Feeney
Flatiron Books - 2020

It wasn't love at first sight.

I can admit that now. But by the end, I loved her more than I thought it was possible to love another human being. I cared about her more than I ever cared about myself. That's why I did it. Why I had to. I think it's important that people know that, when they find out what I've done. If they do. Perhaps then they might understand that I did it for her.

This is my third book by this author. I hope to start this one soon. Would you read more or pass?


  1. I loved this book, and it was one of my favorites a couple of months ago. Enjoy! Thanks for sharing and for visiting my blog.

  2. We probably know where that is headed and it sounds really good.

  3. Ooh yikes that quote has me wondering what he did!!!

  4. I've heard good things about this book and want to read it too!

  5. I've seen this one a few timesbut I'm still one the fence about reading it.

  6. Yes, I'd continue reading this. Terrific opening!

  7. Yep, I'm hooked and would keep reading for sure.

  8. I'm hooked ... enough to search the author and title and get a bigger picture !

  9. I've tried one book by this author and didn't get very far but I really love this beginning. I'd definitely keep reading!


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