Thursday, June 24, 2021

Book Review - William Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night's Dream; retold by Georghia Ellinas

A Midsummer Night's Dream; retold by Georghia Ellinas 
(Illustrations: Jane Ray)
Candlewick Press - 2021
(Ages 4-8)

Oh my goodness, I fell in love with this magical, charming story that takes a comical look at love gone wrong in the fairy tale kingdom. Told from the POV of Robin Goodfellow, the one everyone calls Puck, the one who has the ability to make himself invisible and play tricks on both fairies and mortals.  

Even though the story is abbreviated and retold for kids, there are original quotes peppered throughout and the gorgeous illustrations on oversized quality pages that really seemed to make this story come alive and jump off the pages.  Personally,  I think the older children (ages 6-8) in the targeted range would be more enthralled by this one.

This is the second book in the retelling series. I missed The Tempest (2020) but, now have a need to check that one out as well.  A lovely book, be sure to check it out. 

Thanks go to Candlewick Press for sending this gem my way in exchange for my unbiased review.


  1. I love the idea of Shakespeare made accessible for young children. And look at those illustrations! Gorgeous.

    1. This one is just a beauty. I love introducing kids to plays etc at an early age.

  2. The illustrations look perfect - Candlewick seems the go-to for awesome children's books.

    1. I love Candlewick and the diversity available for children.

  3. How cool and such a wonderful idea for the young ones!

    1. I know, I love how books like these are available these days.

  4. Ohhh what a a great way to introduce our kidlets to Shakespeare! I wish this was around when I was a wee one!

    1. I know, Shakespeare, at least some of it, wasn't my thing in school.

  5. Shakespeare for children - what a wonderful concept!

    1. I love that we have poetry, plays, NF and just so much variety for kids these days.

  6. The illustrations in this do look amazing. This was the first Shakespeare play I ever saw on stage, and I saw it as a kid. So I have fond memories of this one. :)

    1. It's really a beautiful thing the way children's books have come such a long way in so many different areas.

  7. This sounds like a lovely book and one I would enjoy, even though it's geared toward young readers. I love that you are sharing picture books with us, Diane. Thank you!

    1. I love keeping up with new children's books, especially those appropriate for my granddaughter's ages. This one was a beauty.

  8. A great book to inspire young readers to enjoy Shakespeare!

  9. What a gorgeous children's the idea of introducing Shakespeare to children as soon as possible. Sometimes I think this is still pretty close to the level at which I understand Shakespeare's plays

    1. I like learning unfamiliar stories, plays, bios at a children's level LOL


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