Monday, July 18, 2022

Book Review - The Lies I Tell; Julie Clark

The Lies I Tell; Julie Clark
Sourcebooks - 2022
(library loan)

After really enjoying this author's previous book: The Last Flight, I couldn't wait to try her latest thriller - I wasn't disappointed.

Meg Williams, is posing as a LA real estate agent selling high end properties.  She's a con artist and has an agenda that has brought her to LA.  Meg also her two other aliases as this isn't her first con job.   Kat Roberts is a journalist who has been waiting for Meg to surface after 10+ years.  She is ready to get friendly with Meg and then expose her and bring her down. At least initially Kat is determined to settle the score over something that happened a decade earlier. However, once Kat tracks Meg down and gets to know her better she begins to wonder whether she is the con artist she believed her to be or whether they are more alike than she could have ever imagined?

This is a fast-paced, twisty thriller that kept me on the edge of my seat.  Told from dual POVs in the past and present, this is a style that worked very well helping the reader understand why these women acted in the manner they did and why they felt that they had scores to settle. This author has a real talent for creating a propulsive story line that is difficult to put down once you begin reading. I also loved that her characters were fully fleshed making the reader feel like they knew everything there was to know about both women by the end of end of this novel. If you enjoy well written thrillers, be sure to check out everything this author has written. Highly recommended.

Rating - 4.5/5 stars


  1. Replies
    1. This was a nice treat for me Dorothy - several of my recent thrillers were so-so.

  2. Twisty is good. I haven't read a twisty thriller in awhile. I am most likely going to pick up Irving's new book next but it's HUGE. I am loving Crying in H Mart right now though. I even went to H Mart in another town to get some snacks to bring to book club.

    1. I have Irving's new book on my TBR. Didn't realize it a chunkster though. Crying in H mart is also on my TBR - love a good memoir so happy you enjoyed it. Book group - didn't know H-Mart was a real place.should be fun

  3. Ooh, this sounds good! I'm ready for a book that pulls me in from the opening pages and doesn't let go.

    1. Definitely worth trying Les. I thought it was good and fun.

  4. I've got this one on hold at the library. Hope it comes in before long. :-)

  5. Hi Diane,
    Just in the last few days, I've heard lots of good things about this one, and now after reading your views, I must read it. It may take a while, with the library holds list. But if I squeeze it to the top of the books I really want to read list, it will come through eventually. Or maybe I'll buy it, when I'm desperate in an August heat wave for a book that will make me forget the humidity!

    1. Judith, not sure if you read The Last Flight but, it was very good. I also get impatient whe nthe library hold's list is too long but, then I buy the book and it sits on my shelf unread - LOL

  6. Very good read Vicki - I think you will enjoy it.

  7. I'm always on the lookout for a good twisty thriller, especially when they're really well-written! :)

  8. I liked this one too, but liked Last Flight more. The author is at my local bookstore tonight, but I might not be able to attend the reading. I hope I can fit it in.

  9. Fantastic review! I got this from Book of the Month not long ago. My picks from them have been hit or miss, so I'm glad to hear you loved it.

    1. Glad to hear you have a copy in your TBR pile. I think you will enjoy it.

  10. I have another book by this author on my TBR and this blurb looks even better then the one I originally added. I'm fascinated by con artists.


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