Tuesday, July 26, 2022

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - The Only Woman in the Room; Marie Benedict


Welcome to First Chapter/Intros, hosted by Yvonne @ Socrates Book ReviewsEach week readers post the first paragraph (or 2) of a book we are reading or plan to read soon. 

This is my book club read for this month and it is a real page turner with very few characters. It is Fiction but based on a true story and should make for a good discussion book.

Sourcebooks - 2019 (purchased)

Part One
Chapter One

May 17, 1933
Vienna, Austria

"My LIDS FLUTTERED OPEN< BUT THE FLOODLIGHTS blinded me for a moment.  Placing a discreet, steadying, hand on my costar's arm, I willed a confident smile upon my lips whiIe I waited for my vision to clear.  The applause thundered, and I swayed in the cacophony of sound and light.  The mask I'd firmly affixed to myself for the performance slipped away for a moment, and I was no longer nineteenth-century Bavarian empress Elizabeth, but simply Hedy Kiesler."

What do you think - read more or pass?


  1. Now I am intrigued! Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

  2. It does sound like it might be an interesting read.

    1. I finished it this morning and I liked it but the first half was better than the last IMO.

  3. I love this author--in my opinion, she's one of the best historical fiction writers. I haven't read this novel yet, but I plan to.

    1. Yes, I am curious about her other books now Catherine. Glad you like her writing as well,

  4. It's a great opening! I'd definitely read more. And it's a new author to me, which is always fun. :)

    1. The story really drew mw but, I did like the first half more.

  5. I remember reading about this book and the part that 'Hedy' plays in the world - trying not to spoil things. LOL

  6. I went in knowing very little Kay and it pulled me along. I thought it was good but, the writing was just okay overall - the second part felt a bit rushed.

  7. This sounds really good. A very descriptive opening.

    1. It did make me want to read more of what this author has written.

  8. Replies
    1. I did like it and will be curious as to what the group thinks.

  9. I gotta say, that's one good opening!

  10. I'm definitely intrigued. Looking forward to your thoughts on it, Diane.

  11. This one is on my TBR. I've heard mixed reviews about the author (though I do like this opening) but I'm fascinated by Heddy Lamar.

  12. I started out great IMO - I couldn't get enough but then fizzled out a bit.

  13. I would definitely be tempted to read on. But knowing that Marie Benedict usually writes historical novels about famous women (oh, gosh--I've read some, so I think so?), I'd probably want to know who she's writing about. Still the year, 1933, and Austria, intrigues me. Aha! I see another commenter says this one is about Hedy Lamarr, so I guess I am interested! Will love to hear what you think! Read on, merrily, into August.


Thanks for taking the time to visit and double thanks for any comments. If you ask a question in your comments, I will try to reply to it here, or by email if your settings allow me to do so. Thanks again for visiting.