Tuesday, January 19, 2016

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - Remarkable Creatures; Tracy Chevalier

Every Tuesday I host First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros where I share the first paragraph sometimes two from a book I am reading or thinking about reading soon. (This one is my book group pick)

Remarkable Creatures; Tracy Chevalier
Dutton - 2010

"Lightning as struck me all my life. Just once was it real. I shouldn't remember it, for I was more than a baby.  But I do remember.  I was in a field, where there were horses and riders performing tricks.  Then a storm blew in, and a woman--not Mam--picked me up and brought me under a tree.  As she held me tight I looked up and saw the pattern of black leaves against the white sky.

Then there was a big noise, like all trees falling down round me, and a bright, bright light, which was like looking at the sun.  A buzz run right through me.  It was as if I'd touched a hot coal, and I could smell singed flesh and sense there was pain, yet it weren't painful.  I felt like a stocking turned inside out."

What do you think -- keep reading or pass? 
(Feel free to join in this week by posting your intro below?


  1. I am definitely curious and want to know more. I have never read this author.

  2. I like it. Very descriptive. I like to book's cover too!

  3. I like the writing style, Diane. I would keep reading. I would like to know what the other lightning strike was, the figurative one the narrator alludes to.

    1. Exactly! I haven't started this yet but, hopefully this week.

  4. I'm not sure about this one Diane. It's nice descriptive language, but it's not grabbing me. I'd need to read a bit more.

    1. I probably wouldn't have picked it up on my own (book club read) but, I have enjoyed earlier books by this author.

  5. I've read other books by Chevalier and liked them, so I'd give this a try. I'm not immediately drawn in, but I see potential.

  6. I don't think this one is for me. The writing in the intro wasn't really my style.

  7. I think that's a captivating opening - I'd continue.

    Reading With Jade

  8. I really like the author and remember enjoying this story. Hope you like it.

  9. I'm trying to decide if the tree was struck by lightning. And I do like the cover. I feel like I've read another book by this author, but the name isn't coming to me right now. Hope it's good and your book group has a lot to talk about.

    1. Girl with the Pearl Earring was the first book I read by her.

  10. I like the opening and the cover and would keep reading!

  11. I was immediately curious as to what happened to the narrator. I have had Girl With a Pearl Earring on my list for a long time. I would read on. Thanks for sharing this one.

  12. I like the opening but am not curious enough that I would keep reading. I don't think that I would continue

  13. I would keep reading. I brought this home on audio but did not get to it before I had to return it.

  14. I enjoyed this one. Very different for a Tracy Chevalier novel. Here's Mine

  15. That sounds interesting. I am rather curious to see what's going on.

  16. That must be strange - to feel like a stocking turned inside out... it's difficult to imagine what that would feel like.


  17. "Like a stocking turned inside out." It's rare to find authors who write descriptions like Tracy Chevalier. Really like this beginning.

  18. I'd keep reading. Sounds interesting. Here's mine: http://wp.me/p4DMf0-18l

    1. Thanks for joining us this week, off to check out your post.

  19. Interesting--I've never heard THAT described before!

    1. The writing really makes you think about the point she's trying to make.

  20. Sounds good and I love the cover...I could walk right in.

  21. I would definitely continue. Very descriptive.

  22. This is my favourite of her books, fascinating and beautiful to read, has stayed with me a long time, probably because of its historical connections.

    1. I'm so happy to hear this. I was reading a few books at the same time but really enjoyed this one.

  23. I'm a Chevalier fan, and I loved this book. Hope you do too :)

    1. Oh Jane, so happy to read this. I thought it was well done (no review yet though)


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