Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Book Review - Behind the Red Door; Megan Collins


                                                      Behind the Red Door; Megan Collins

Atria - 2020

Fern Douglas is a troubled, anxiety ridden young woman who has had a rocky relationship with her parents. Trying to put her past behind her, she's now married to a wonderful man named Eric, a doctor in Boston. He is her champion.  When her father in New Hampshire says that he needs her help to pack up for a move, she's hesitant yet agrees to come and help.  

There's also been a story on the news about a missing young woman from Maine named Astrid Sullivan who was kidnapped 20 years earlier when she was only 14. Although Astrid was returned,  she is now missing again on the 20-year anniversary of the first kidnapping. All of this happened about an hour from where Fern grew up, yet she has no memory of the event.  When she decides to buy a copy of the missing woman's memoir, reoccurring nightmares make Fern feel like she may have some way been connected. 

This was a fast moving psychological thriller that had me riveted. The setting in rural Maine, a cabin in the woods was perfect.  The narrator was sympathetic because of terrible childhood she had at the hands of her irresponsible parents. There are more than a few odd characters in this book and although I guessed the abductor, I still enjoyed this book a lot. Not perfect but - Recommended

Rating - 4/5 stars


  1. Sounds pretty good even though you guessed it.

  2. Ooooh, I like the premise. Sounds like a good one. I’ve not read any of her books. Thanks! Happy Holidays!

  3. So many people love thrillers. This sounds like a good one.

  4. OK, back at you. This sounds a bit depressing to me. Lol.

  5. I love a good psychological thriller. And that rural Maine setting? Count me in! :D

  6. Sounds like one to take a look at. I'm so bad at solving mysteries before the author is ready to do it for me, that I probably won't have your success with it.

  7. I haven't been reading as my psychological thrillers this year but this one caught my attention. Glad it's was a good read!


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