Saturday, March 3, 2012

Saturday Snapshot

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Most of my regular followers know that we love cats -- have (3). Unlike some cats, ours love to be part of  our television time, sleep time, etc.  So it is probably no surprise why I fell in love with this the art piece below when I saw it several years ago.....beach, says it all:

 (click on photo to enlarge)

 (why we love it)

(click on photo to enlarge)

Have a great weekend everyone!
(off to see your photos now)


  1. Very cute. Our cat likes to be part of tv- and internet-time (sleeping beside me right now), but isn't allowed in the bedroom at night :-)

  2. It's the perfect picture for over your bed!

  3. That is a beautiful painting! Love how your real cats are making it come to life too!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Wonderful shot! I'm sure the cats love the artwork too. :)

  5. I was just thinking when I saw the pic that "life imitates art" but I see Mary :) beat me to it. Great shots, Diane!

  6. I love the bottom one with your own cats under the photo on the wall, that is just wonderful!

  7. Cute kitties on the bed! I absolutely LOVE your headboard. I'm looking for one just like that. Would you care to share where you got it or the manufacturer?

    1. Hi Lynne, thanks for the compliment on the headboard. I'm almost positive the bedroom set was by Broyhill, but we purchased it in 1999, so I'm not sure whether that style is available. I don't really have any other info since it was 13 years ago. It was very well made though.

  8. Great photo. I bet the cats knew to this before they saw the painting. Here's Mine

  9. Haha! Yes, indeed thought the same thing, Kaye! Cushy cats! They've got the soft spots figured out!

  10. Kitties always find the best places to nap!

  11. I'll bet the cats feel right at home with that art! lol

    They definitely look cozy. The last cat I had enjoyed plopping down on one part of the sofa, at the top section of the rather "plushy" back. She permanently indented it!

    Thanks for sharing your cozy family moments....


  12. That is so cute! Life definitely does imitate art (like other commenters have observed!)

  13. Our cats don't like the bed that much, but do love boxes and the top of the sofa for some reason. I think they are a little unusual for cats, because what cat wouldn't love a clean and comfy bed?

  14. That's great! If it were my cat, you'd just see a lump in the blanket (she likes to sleep under them). I can see why you had to have the painting.

  15. I love that second shot. There's nothing cuter than your pet curled up on your bed.

  16. those cats look VERY comfortable on the bed, Diane!

  17. I love that comparison of life and art!

  18. It certainly says it all!

    Our life is cat based, too, and sorting out sleeping arrangements is difficult in the winter as they all wish to be as snug as we are ... so we push and fidget to get the ideal spot ... that is my husband and myself; the cats usually win and have prime positions on both bed and sofa.

    The photos are great and I loved meeting your cats - and the art piece is perfect. Thank you for sharing it.

  19. That's just perfect! I had to do a double take and then I laughed. I wonder what the kitties are thinking?

  20. Aww, that looks so cozy! And I love the real world mirroring the picture!

  21. I love that picture and you hung it in the most perfect spot! My cats are bed hogs! I often have to move one out of my spot when I want to get in bed and very often we wake up surrounded by 5 or 6 cats!
    I love the espadrilles by the side of the bed on the floor, too!

  22. Love the art and the photo! There is nothing sweeter than a cat or two on the bed.

  23. Those are great pictures! Have a great weekend!

  24. Cute! Our cat is very much in need of being near us, too. :)

  25. Enjoyed looking at the pics! Comfy!!!

    Here is my Saturday

  26. I love the painting and your photo is absolutely adorable! It's like one of those mirror within a mirror that repeats itself. :) Your kitties are so cute, I'm glad you shared them with us!

  27. Those cats do look comfy and cozy!

  28. Life imitating art- always fabulous! Cats aren't silly- they always get the best spot don't they?

  29. That painting is PURRRfect for your home! That second photo is so funny!

  30. Love that! So appropriate. I have a lovely art piece of two cats a top a bookshelf. It has a modern feel, like your painting. Unfortunately, the glass cracked in our move and I have to get it replaced before I can hang it. =O(

    P.S. We got a new kitty last week. I posted about her on Thursday's Cat Thursday.

  31. Oh cats cats cats.
    Cats... THRICE!
    I love 'em.
    My own darling ragdoll Jack [I've been with him over a decade...] this may sound fictional, but he sleeps with me and when I slumber past my [horrid, yea... Satanic] alarm clock, he taps me on the nose with his paw and wakes me up. It is so adorable.
    Great pic of the bed cats!

  32. This just makes me want to go cuddle with my cat!

  33. Leave it to a cat to find the most comfy place in the house.


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