Saturday, March 10, 2012

Saturday Snapshots

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Photos can be old or new, and be of any subject as long as they are clean and appropriate for all eyes to see. How much detail you give in the caption is entirely up to you. Please don't post random photos that you find online.

A few more pieces of art hung in our home. (I'll quit these after this week, even though I have more. I've found it hard to take good shots without reflections from natural light or light bulbs).

The first (3) are "By the Sea" related, and last one makes me think of my mom.


  1. What wonderful pictures! I'm especially partial to the lighthouse one. Very dramatic how it's getting swallowed by the wave.

  2. That seems to be my worst problem with indoor shots - the glare from the flash. As many times as I have read the instruction manual, I just can't seem to get the flash to stay off. I love this series, Diane! Wonderful idea.

    1. Thanks Kaye. Yes indoor shots and various reflections are tough ones.

  3. Beautiful! My favorite things...the sea and flower beds. I always think of my mom when I see flowers, too; she had the best flower gardens.


  4. My husband and I had the 2nd picture of the lighthouse in our house when we were first married (what happened to it?). It always blew me away when I would look at it.

  5. Beautiful! That photo of La Jument is such a fantastic shot!

  6. The one with the lighthouse and the wave is my favorite. So dramatic.
    Thanks for visiting :-)

  7. The last one is like an English garden, which definitely make she think of my mom as well. It just make me happy to think of both

    1. yes, I agree. That one is by Greg Singley. I actually own a couple by him.

  8. That second one really calls to me... love that!

  9. Lovely pictures. I like pictures of the sea as well. We have one, bought in Cape May, of a small child leaving the beach. She has turned at the top of the dune for one more look at the water. It's called, "There's always tomorrow." I know exactly how she feels. :)

  10. I love that girl looking out at the she looking at the view? Waiting for a ship? I love L.M. Montgomery books and the setting and her dress reminds me of them too.

  11. I like the one of the woman. I have always liked this style.

  12. Lovely art. The second one, if you hadn't said was "by the sea" I would have thought was the bottom of a lamp post in the snow!! Guess my eyes were playing tricks on me. Here's Mine

  13. I like the one with the woman the best. Her hands on her hips or akimbo as we say, makes it seem as if she's waiting for someone or maybe she's called playing children in and they're kind of dawdling, just out of the range of the artist.

    1. The woman in this photo reminded me of me gazing out to the sea:)

  14. I really love the first and last paintings. Flowers and colors attract me.

  15. Beautiful! I especially like the 2nd one--such a great reminder of the power of water in our world.

  16. It really is hard to get good pictures of artwork. You must have very lovely walls!

  17. Beautiful! Thank you for sharing some of the art in your home, Diane. To me, art on the walls is a vital part of decorating a home.

  18. Another beautiful set of photos! They turned out great, you don't have to quite posting them. (hint, hint) You have a wonderful selection in your home and I'm so glad you shared them with us. :)

  19. You have beautiful artwork in your home. Show us more. :)

    If you're using the built-in flash, try putting a piece of white tissue over the flash and see if that helps. It will act as a diffuser.

  20. I love your red wall. Great choices to hang. Why does the last one remind you of your mom?

  21. Beautiful pictures! I love having good art around the house!

  22. Wow! That lighthouse and the raging sea! The tranquility of the other paintings speak volumes - one could meditate on them for hours.
    Thank you for sharing!

  23. Nice pieces of artwork. Do you collect original artwork? Wish I had the wallspace, etc.!

    1. Harvee, No these are not originals, although with framing, matting etc., some were kinda expensive me me...LOL

  24. Very nice! I especially like the lighthouse/wave one, but they are all nice. I can imagine how hard it was to photography these. Great job!

  25. I love them all...your mother must have loved flowers!!!

  26. Diane, we have the second picture on the wall in our dining room. We also have another lighthouse shot on another wall in the same room. They used to live in our bedroom in our old house, but we've switched things up a bit and gotten rid of a lot of our pictures. Got new ones you know?

  27. I've seen that lighthouse one and am always impressed by it! Such power!!!

  28. Great shots Diane. I especially like that second one.

  29. I love the one with the lighthouse and the ocean too - the ocean looks so very powerful in that shot!


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