Saturday, March 31, 2012

Saturday Snapshots - March 31st

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(2) baby Shower Events on March 18th and March 25th, and our "mom and dad to be",  now have everything they need for the baby plus some.  (75) guests and gifts were a bit overwhelming, but so appreciated as well. Here are just some photos of the events. ( thank goodness we didn't have to clean up afterward).

(gifts from shower #2)

 (door prizes shower #1)

(this activity gym was fabulous - shower 1)
(outfit had shoes to match - shower 2)
(made by a friend - shower 2)
 (made by another friend - shower 2)
(made by another friend - shower 2)

Baby Furniture-sorry this one is from
 the website. Crib converts to a bed afterward.


  1. Aren't baby showers so cheerful and fun? Looks like you guys had some good ones. I love the sweet little clothes and the crib set-up is very nice and practical to convert to a toddler bed. Those door prizes look wonderful!

    1. Thanks Kay -- it was so nice to see lots of people that I hadn't seen in years as well.

  2. Ohh baby showers are so much fun! That baby will be all set :)

    1. Trish -- they are so much fun, and then when baby 2 comes, it's hand me downs,...LOL

  3. Looks like they received wonderful gifts. I love the sweaters. The crib looks similar to the one we just sent our daughter and son-in-law. They are due in early June. Exciting times :)

    1. Oh Mary, you must be excited too, but this isn't a first you you right? I love white furniture for girls.

  4. Brings back memories. So many wonderful homemade gifts!

    1. I know, I keep saying that the older I get the faster the years fly by--sad.

  5. WOW! Those are sure lots of cool gifts!

    1. Yes, Brian, no mice or catnip, but still lots of fun. The baby did receive a BIRD MOBILE though - you'd like that!

  6. Looks like the new baby will be well dressed. The crib is beautiful while still being practical.

    1. Yes, Kaye, I was happy she wanted white furniture -- especially for a baby girl.

  7. Lovely photos,and what a lot of presents! :)

  8. I love knitted baby sweaters!!

    You mentioned a while back about loving cats and you picture over your bed. I thought you might like to look at this Canadian's paintings

    1. Jake, I checked out the Esty site and thought those cat prints looked very cool. Nice work - someone's talented.

  9. What gorgeous sweaters and the baby guilt. Your daughter-in-law is lucky to have friends who can make homemade gifts with such skill. Here's Mine

    1. Actually my DIL is also a knitter and the mom to be is my daughter. Both are lucky and talented though.

  10. Loads of lovely gifts and that crib looks very useful.

  11. Replies
    1. Marie---I'm smiling so much lately, I can't image how I'll be when she arrives.

  12. How wonderful! I love the baby jackets.

    1. Cath, I know, and I love that they are bold and not all pinks:)

  13. Oh, it's been eons since I went to a baby shower in the family. I did attend one last year for a friend's daughter.

    It's a lot of fun when you know the sex...or in the case of my oldest, they gave me the shower afterwards. I had outfits that lasted through two kids!

    Great shots and great fun!


  14. Wow! What amazing presents and so many handmade gifts. I love that!! The crib is awesome!!! I'm getting excited!!

  15. Sounds like a fantastic shower filled with love and all the stuff the baby will need. It is amazing how much a very small person needs!

    1. I know Helen, she's returned some newborn stuff for bigger sizes as the newborn drawers are very very full.

  16. Hmm, is that striped sweater one of those magic folding ones? Apparently you knit a big odd rectangle and then it folds into a sweater. I was just reading an essay someone wrote about making one, and it looks like the same pattern...

    1. Hmmm, now I am curious. I'll ask my daughter as I'm not a knitter??

  17. How fun! I love the homemade gifts. Those are always the best!

  18. Wow! What beautiful gifts for this little girl baby! Baby showers are just so much fun!

    1. Susan, yes she will be a bit spoiled as 1st grandchild on both sides:)

  19. This looks like such a great event!

  20. Amazing! Thanks for sharing. I love seeing that your family is surrounded by such talented women (great homecrafted gifts).

    What an exciting time.

  21. With that many guests, I can imagine they don't need anything else. I am guessing this is a girl baby! Those homemade gifts are especially sweet....

    1. Yup, she's a girl ( at least that is what they were led to believe) LOL

  22. beautiful hand made gifts!! Those are my favorites!! I love it that our society still takes care of the 1st time parents with showers like these :)

  23. Patti -- I agree - 1st time brides and 1st time moms are very lucky:)

  24. How exciting! It looks like they have some very talented friends!

    1. Kathy, yes, all of her knitting friends have had patterns published -- lots of talent in that circle.

  25. Margaret, yes the crib is practical since it will be used so several years after as a bed.

  26. Ooooh, so much fun, all the cute little clothes and blankets. I can tell you are really enjoying this!

    No new babies in my family for a while now but my niece is getting married this year, so maybe soon.

  27. Those knitted baby sweaters are so gorgeous!

  28. A friend of mine had her baby shower last weekend, and the amount of gifts was just demented. I don't know where these mothers to be find space for such a flood of great stuff. I don't envy them the task, though I do occasionally envy them the baby. ;-)

  29. Looks like fun, and that is going to be one well accessiorized baby :-)

  30. This brought back memories of my own baby showers which sometimes seem a lifetime away and at other times like it happened just yesterday.

  31. I love baby showers … they always have the cutest presents!!! That is some big shower though … hopefully they won't need to buy much to get ready for baby!

  32. What great friends! Love that they took the time for special gifts :) Looks like evryone is ready for baby.

  33. I love how bright and colorful those sweaters are. That is gonna be one cool and funky baby! LOVE!

  34. What fun! And the baby gifts are wonderful! I hosted a shower for our first grandchild in the fall. My daughter-in-law received so many great gifts. I was amazed by how much baby stuff has changed. I didn't realize I was so out of the loop!

    You must be so very excited!! It's hard to wait isn't it? Before you know it she will be here and you will get to rock and snuggle her. Our little guy is 4 months old already and today he got to meet the Easter Bunny!

    Give us updates and let us know when she arrives, Grandma! :)

  35. And a great time was had by all-- thanks for sharing this!

  36. SO many handmade gifts... what a lucky baby! Thanks for sharing :-)

  37. So awesome. Very soon, a wonderful gift to come!
    You are getting us all excited.

  38. I think I grew up in a pre-Baby Shower era. Come to think of it, I think it was a pre-SHOWER era. Baths were just then invented!
    But this is wonderful!
    Look at all this loot!
    I really like the purple-green striped sweater. Do you think you could enlist your friend to make one for me? Umm... size XXXL?

  39. 75 guests? Wow, that baby will be set! How wonderful to have the homemade gifts...something to be treasured always.

  40. That looks like so much fun. Makes me wish twice over that my grandkids were closer to us!

  41. I love the Activity Gym -- very cool looking gift! I also really like the crib -- very practical that it converts into a regular bed.

    I guess it won't be long before the big day!

  42. It looks like you had a fantastic, fun shower! Your daughter received some beautiful gifts - the handmade sweaters are beautiful as is the blanket! I love that crib. The gifts looked to be a good variety of clothes, essentials and toys.

    This must be so exciting for you, Diane and your daughter. Thank you for sharing the great photos!


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