Saturday, January 12, 2013

Saturday Snapshot - January 12th

Saturday Snapshot

Photos can be old or new, and be of any subject as long as they are clean and appropriate for all eyes to see. How much detail you give in the caption is entirely up to you. Please don't post random photos that you find online.  

 The buttons still need to put attached, but here is a new sweater design by my daughter for my granddaughter. She did a beautiful job and I just love it and the earthy colors.


  1. How detailed a pattern. A lot of work must have gone into this.

  2. Holy moly! That is such an intricate design. Your daughter is super talented!

  3. Oh my gosh, that is just gorgeous! Does your daughter need to know my size?

  4. How lovely. The pattern work is really great. Your daughter is very clever.

  5. That's so good - she's very talented.

  6. I love that sweater, too. Makes me want to dig out my long abandoned knitting project.

  7. It's gorgeous. And adorable. Adorably gorgeous?

  8. Wow! Just beautiful! Being a novice knitter, I am agog at the detail in the pattern!

  9. That's a gorgeous sweater! Makes me almost want to take up knitting!

  10. wow - your daughter is so talented! Love the little sweater!

  11. That is some fine knitting. I can barely knit in one a straight line.

  12. That is so beautiful. I've had the urge to knit this week!!

  13. I love the earth tone colors. What a gift to be able to knit like that!

  14. It's absolutely beautiful! Your daughter's a talented sweater maker.

  15. Your daughter is really clever to knit that - it's gorgeous, and must have taken quite a time. My Snapshot is at

  16. Such a beautiful little sweater. I think it's more difficult to knit for a small child than an adult in the same way that doll clothes are hard to sew. I'm a knitter who hasn't been knitting lately, can hardly wait to get back to it.

  17. oh my golly gosh. Yeah for talent and lots of hard work. You have raised one talent-filled daughter. Thanks for sharing.

  18. Your daughter is very talented and your granddaughter a lucky little girl to get that sweater!

  19. I love the sweater, so classic looking. Though I love little girls and pinky, pretty things, I really appreciate that all girl things do not need to be pink or purple or girly!. So Classy!

  20. A cozy and attractive sweater. Lucky the little one who gets to wear this. Take a picture of the little girl in it and put it in her photograph collection as something mommy made for her.

  21. That is beautiful and looks professionally done!

  22. Wow...BEAUTIFUL. Looks like it is from a store.

    I have no talent in the sewing or knitting area.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Saturday Snapshot

  23. That's beautiful! I can't even properly hold a knitting needle so I'm seriously impressed that she created this.

  24. Gorgeous! Love the style and colors. Wish I knew how to knit, but then that would take time away from reading. ;)

  25. Wow … gorgeous. I love the colors … the design … everything. What a lucky little girl!

  26. How wonderful! I admire those with such talents...and what a precious gift for your granddaughter! I tried knitting once...not good at

    Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  27. Oh my! What a wonderful little sweater and what talent your daughter possesses.

  28. how sweet that your daughter is making such a sweet sweater. I think the colors are wonderful, Book Savvy Babe

  29. She is so talented! I love those earthy colors too!! What an amazing piece of clothing!!!

  30. Beautiful! Did she knit it herself? Wow. I need to look for a baby's gift for a nephew and his wife's 2 mons old. But I can't knit. ;)

  31. She did a great job, that will look so cute on your grandson.

  32. This is a gorgeous sweater...your daughter is so talented. Your grandson is going to look adorable in it and he'll be quite warm, too.

    Seeing this sweater makes me think of picking up knitting needles again but it's been years and years (high school) since I knitted anything...


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