Monday, April 1, 2013

Mailbox Monday - April 1st

Mailbox Monday a gathering place to share your new book. April's host is Mari at MariReads.  Get any good books last week that you care to tell others about?

Pictured above is what arrived by mail last week:


  1. Love the cover of Snapper! Enjoy your reads :)

  2. I'm a fledgling birder and think Snapper would be a great read. Am now reading a birding mystery which is fun - The Boreal Owl Murder. Hope to see what you think of it!

    1. Snapper seems like the perfect Spring read for us bird lovers.

  3. Bohjalian's new books all seem to relate back to WWII now. I liked his earlier books, the Italian setting in this book sounds interesting. The Boy No One Loved sounds heartbreaking. Looking forward to your reviews Diane!

    1. True about Bohjalian and WWII lately. I actually prefer his contemporary novels more I think.

  4. I love anything by Bohjalian! I'll definitely be on the look out for his latest!

  5. Okay, I'm drawn to The Boy No One Loved...I'm sure it's sad.

    Enjoy your reading...and here's MY MONDAY MEMES POST

  6. I'm expecting an arc of the new Bohjalian - love his books!

  7. I read Midwives by Bohjalian and couldn't finish it. It was too close to when I gave birth. I haven't tried anything by him since even though I was tempted.

  8. A couple of those books look very emotional. The Boy No One Wants reminds me of the series by Dave Pelzer (A Boy Called It). Have a great week.

    1. That is exactly what I was thinking, I did read all 3 of is books --so sad

  9. Ooh, Snapper is supposed to be terrific! Enjoy!

  10. I will be on the lookout for the new Bohjalian book. The Boy No One Wants sounds heartbreaking. Looks like you are in for good reading!

  11. A nice mix, The Light In The Ruins caught my eye.

  12. I'm reading Snapper this week. I couldn't pass that one up.

  13. I have heard that The Boy Who No One Loved is so heartbreaking to read, and that is what has kept me away. If I remember correctly, it's a follow up to A Boy Called It, and I want to read them, but oh, I just can't! Lots of great things in this mailbox this week. I hope that you enjoy them all!

  14. Those look like some interesting ones!

  15. A very interesting list of reads again Diane, thank you :)

  16. I'm curious about The Light in the Ruins. Happy reading!

  17. Another new Bohjalian - I need to read his novels already! I am about 5 behind.

    Enjoy your books!

  18. I just downloaded The Light in the Ruins..can't wait to read it! Great mailbox!

  19. Hi Diane,

    All of your authors are new to me this week, although many other commenters seem to know of Chris Bohjalian. I went away and checked him out and I now have another new author and all his books (including 'The Light In The Ruins),to add to my lengthy list.

    I don't have a phobia about birds or anything, but the cover of 'Snapper' I found eerily creepy!

    I hope that you enjoy all your books and thanks for sharing,


  20. Your first and last are the two which caught my eye! happy reading.

  21. All new titles to me but I really like the looks of The Light in Ruins. The Boy No One Loved is such a sad title. I hope you enjoy your reading.


Thanks for taking the time to visit and double thanks for any comments. If you ask a question in your comments, I will try to reply to it here, or by email if your settings allow me to do so. Thanks again for visiting.