Saturday, June 15, 2013

Saturday Snapshot - June 15th 2013

Alyce at At Home With Books has decided to take a break from blogging and from hosting Saturday Snapshot. We will miss her, but all of us understand a need to step back, regroup, and prioritize one's life. We hope to see her back soon. Saturday Snapshot is now hosted by Melinda at West Metro Mommy while Alyce is away.
To participate in the Saturday Snapshot meme post a photo that you (or a friend or family member) have taken then leave a direct link to your post in the Mister Linky (at West Metro Mommy). Photos can be old or new, and be of any subject as long as they are clean and appropriate for all eyes to see. How much detail you give in the caption is entirely up to you. Please don’t post random photos that you find online.

Last Week we spent a few days in Portsmouth, New Hampshire which is a wonderful seaside town. Once you've visited, you'll want to return again and again. Fantastic shops, book stores, coffee shops and all are so very unique.  My husband found a great runners store and made a few purchases and I found a few books I had on my [to buy] list. What we both loved was the outdoor seating (tables and benches) everywhere along the brick walkways which made for some great people-watching while we were there.  The weather was perfect but we had to cut our trip short by a day as I came down with a horrible earache and sore throat that required a doctors visit Tuesday and antibiotics.  I've been out of work all week and actually feel worst today with a horrible cough now:(

Here are a few of the photos I took with my phone while we walked around town, had lunch and shopped

 How about those big eyes?

 This cute guy was actually quite happy relaxing
 in the shade where we sat. Dog bowls and bike racks
are everywhere in front of shops around town.

 Hope to return again in the fall on our way to Maine.


  1. Smuttynose Brewery? How quirky! And the shops look like fun! Thanks for sharing...hope you feel better now.


  2. Looks like a good time while it lasted. Hope you're feeling better soon!

    Joy's Book Blog

  3. I visited New England years ago and always want to go back for more. Didn't do bookshops last time, so will def. browse through some the next chance I have. Thanks for sharing these lovely photos, Diane!

  4. Oh, how your pictures made me smile after a trying couple of days. My Snapshot is

  5. Love the two pictures of the dog. I also have always loved Portsmouth. We've been to Strawberry Banke and used to eat at a restaurant which I believe was called The Blue Strawberry. It was a prix fixe gourmet meal place with two evening seatings. Excellent food.

  6. I LOVE the googly eyes on the dog statue!!

  7. I love those quirky photos. Sorry you are sick. Hope you recover quickly. My husband and I are trying to find some place nearby to go for a few nights to celebrate our anniversary. Too bad we live in Ohio and we can't drive just a few hours to some place like New Hampshire. Here's Mine

  8. Fun photos, Diane! Camera-phones are the greatest! I hope you fell 100% better soon.

  9. Great photos. That dog sure is cute.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Saturday Snapshot

  10. Sorry you got sick! :(
    I love the shots -- reminds me a bit of walking around Portland, ME.

  11. How fun!! I bet Book and Bar was a great place to shop!

  12. Hi Diane,

    I too can fully understand Alyce needing to take a break and step back from the keyboard for a while and it is great that Melinda decided to 'step into the breach' and keep things going whilst she is away.

    Portsmouth New England sounds very much like Portsmouth England. We live quite close to the South coast, so the trip down to Portsmouth doesn't take us too long at all and is always one of our favorite places to visit in the Summer. In actual fact, Hubbie's parents both come from Portsmouth originally, although they now live just a short distance along the coast in Southampton.

    The historic naval connections with the City are all around, although the new face of Portsmouth is one of a very cosmopolitan and vibrant place, combining luxury City living, with some excellent al fresco dining and fantastic shopping experiences.

    I am so glad that you got to enjoy most of your trip before you got sick and I sincerely hope that you feel better very soon, now that you have the antibiotics in your system.

    Take Care,


  13. What a great place to visit. The little seaside towns are always so quaint.

    Sounds like you picked up a nasty bug. Hope you're feeling better soon. (And at least feeling well enough to read during your downtime.)

  14. Such great photos and I love Smuttynose!

  15. Jill...I don't wear tee-shirts like that much, but I did think it was pretty neat.

    Laurel...yes, some "smutty Nose" and "Brewery" don't seem to go together...LOL

    Joy..Thanks so much, I am so sick of feeling sick...still have a sore throat and cough.

    Arti...I have never lived anywhere bit New England, we do love the change of seasons, but I realize there are many other lovely places to live as well.

    Chris...Glad the photos made u smile.

    Barbara...Next time we'll visit Strawberry Bank and look into that restaurant...sounds good.

    Frances...He is a cutie, isn't he:)

    Paulita...Thanks, still sick sadly:(, but also sick of staying home so today I wend out for a while then took a nap on the deck. Hope you find a nice place to celebrate your anniversary.

    Susan, thanks so much. I almost never take my good camera anywhere. The phone cameras have really improved.

  16. Elizabeth and Irene...walking around in exploring was my favorite part of being there, and the cute dogs were a bonus.

    Beth....Very much like Portland,Maine where we hope to get back to in September.

    Vicki and Kathy...Book and Bar is a pretty cool concept. There were lots of cute nooks and comfy chairs to hand out and little alcoves with windows as

    Yvonne, Portsmouth Maine does sound somewhat like your naval town.

    Leslie and Yvonne, I have not felt much like reading while sick but I have breezed through my magazine back loads:) I will call doctor again, if I am not better by Tuesday.

    Brian...Here's to "SmuttyNose":)

  17. Cute pup :) Love the Tshirt too. We've travelled to Maine many times but never stop in Portsmouth. We did visit Newburyport once - cute town. Usually we're in a hurry to get to our daughter's home and hour or so north. Hope you feel better soon, Diane.

    1. Mary -- you need to plan a side trip next time u are traveling through. well worth it.

  18. The dog pics are very funny. He looks very relaxed and comfortable!

  19. I need to get to Maine while we live so close! Looks like a wonderful visit.

    Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!

  20. I love visiting Portsmouth, and as I'm looking at your photos, I'm wondering why I don't go more often. I'm glad you had a fun visit. I hope you're feeling better soon!

    1. Karen, and I see your VT photos and keep telling my husband we need to go there again; it's be a year:)

  21. Hope you are feeling better. Great photos!

  22. All your photos make me smile! I hope you feel better soon.

  23. The photos are delightfully quirky! During our summer travels, my husband and I regularly drive through New Hampshire. Maybe someday we'll need to take a side trip to Portsmouth. We enjoy seaside towns.

    Sorry to hear you're sick. Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

    1. Allison, thank you. You should try to visit Portsmouth next time you are in the area. You won't be sorry.

  24. Looks like a great place and I loved all your photos about the place. Thanks Diane, I'm going to ahve to put this in my 'places to go to' folder. :)

    1. Denise, yes, yes, Portsmouth, NH and Portland, ME as well as Newport, RI are great "bucket list" destinations.

  25. This sounds like a wonderful place to visit. Sorry you had to cut your trip short! I hope you start to feel better soon!

    1. Thanks Iliana, it was so much fun and so much to see. I need to call the doctor again as the antibiotics are not working.

  26. I must go to Smuttynose!!!!! I hope you get to feeling better soon! That's terrible that it happened on your trip!!

  27. Thanks Staci....lost my voice now (that can be a plus at times)

  28. I hope you are feeling better. That looks like a town I would like to visit. I do like the idea of outdoor tables and benches. I really like the T-shirt too!


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