Monday, January 13, 2014

Mailbox Monday - New Books

It's 2014 and a new home for Mailbox Monday. Originally created by Marcia of To Be Continued, you can find the linky list all year round at Mailbox Monday.  New books since January 2nd.


  1. I'd like to see your thoughts on What Alice Forgot. I liked the other book from this author so very much.

  2. I really liked What Alice Forgot - fun tote! Enjoy all your new books, Diane.

  3. What Alice Forgot looks like a good read

  4. You really got a mailbox full! Good for you. Enjoy!

    Here's my It's Monday post!

  5. I'm listening to One Summer now, and it's great fun!

  6. I've had What Alice Forgot on my Kindle forever and haven't read it yet…I plan to read it soon, as I've heard good things about it!

  7. I'm listening to One Summer right now and, for the most part, I'm enjoying it. I have a feeling my mom will be glad when I'm done with it because I keep telling her about it. (She was born in 1927.)

  8. Enjoy your new books! I've heard of a few of them, but haven't read any. Happy reading!

  9. I read Husband's Secret this summer and really liked it - I am looking forward to reading What Alice Forgot. Have a good week!

  10. You are in for a treat with The Husband's Secret and What Alice Forgot...great T-shirt, too!

    Hope you love Gemini...enjoy! Here's MY WEEKLY SUNDAY/MONDAY UPDATES

  11. Loving your haul :)

  12. Enjoy all your new books. I'm a bit jealous of the tote. I love totes, even though I rarely use them.

  13. ENJOY all your books. I really liked The Husband's Secret. That tote is so cute as well.

    Have a great week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday

  14. You got some great items! I loved Finny so I hope you enjoy it too.

  15. I have yet to read a Moriarty book. I will look for your review of her latest. Enjoy your new books!

  16. Have fun! We did like The Dalai Lama's Cat!

  17. I have The Bird Skinner, too, so I'm especially looking forward to your thoughts on that one. Happy reading!

  18. One Summer caught my eye, enjoy! all of your books.

  19. Wonderful goodies, Diane! Enjoy your bounty.

  20. The Husband's Secret is on my must read soon list! I've got to get it back.

  21. Great haul this week! I'll be curious to see your opinion of "The Never List" ... I enjoyed it, but I've seen mixed reviews. Happy reading!

  22. Ooh I like the Moriarty tote and book! Enjoy all your new arrivals!

  23. You had a great haul this week. I'm glad you received The Never List and I loved your comment about my handwriting. My mom has always thought I have terrible writing so I made sure to point out what you said, LOL. I do have a degree in education, but never had my own class. Happy reading!

  24. Nice week. Gemini sounds good, that's on my to-read list. Still don't like that title Bird Skinner, but I'll probably read that one too. Never List - I'll be waiting to see what you think of that one. :)

  25. I have almost bought that Bill Bryson so many times!! It sounds so good. Happy reading!

  26. Great haul! I want to read One Summer, too : I heard great things about it. I just started The Never List and it's very intriguing!

  27. Great mailbox this week! I love the tote.


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