Thursday, September 13, 2018

Something in the Water; Catherine Steadman

AUTHOR: Catherine Steadman
PUBLISHER: William Morrow
PUB. YEAR: 2018
SETTING:  London and Bora Bora
FORMAT:  - eGalley
RATING: 4.5/5 stars

From the very first paragraph of this thriller, Erin, the narrator asks -- 

"Have you ever wondered how long it takes to dig a grave? Wonder no longer. It takes an age.  However long you think it takes, double that."

So right from the start you wonder whose grave our narrator has dug?

Erin is a documentary filmmaker who is planning to marry Mark, a handsome investment banker. They plan a spare no expense, 3-week honeymoon to Bora Bora.  Just as all this is about to happen, Mark loses his job but, the couple is madly in love and they decide go ahead with their special honeymoon plans, knowing they'll have to cut expenses when they return until Mark finds another job.

In Bora Bora while scuba diving the couple discovers a private jet on the bottom of the ocean floor along with several bodies on board. They also find a locked duffle bag belonging to someone on the downed plane.  Dragging the bag out of the water, the couple must make a decision, tell no one or report what they discovered.  The decision they make sets off a dangerous chain of events.

This was a past paced, psych thriller that had me hooked from that very first paragraph.  The story was far from perfect, but I loved that it never lost its momentum. Yes, the couple makes some stupid mistakes along the way, but, I just really enjoyed wondering what would happen next. It made me wonder what I would have done when I was young and feeling invincible, had I faced this same temptation. Psych thriller fans should try this one.


  1. Ooh, this is going on my wish list for sure.

    1. If you don't need a perfect story, this was just a great read.

  2. Intriguing review, Dianne. This one sounds like a winner.

  3. This: "It made me wonder what I would have done when I was young and feeling invincible, had I faced this same temptation." Now that appeals to me.

    1. LOL - I think many of us were a lot more daring in our younger days.

  4. I've been a lot more forgiving of late, in regards to the books I am reading. If it's fast paced, a page turner and keeps me somewhat entertained, I deem it a win.

    1. Me too, I don't need everything perfect as long as it has me turning pages.

  5. I think your description makes this one sound very appealing. I've read a couple of other reviews that weren't quite as positive, but this type of book is really 'my' kind. If the library hold list for the audio wasn't so long...maybe I'll get on it anyway.

    1. Yes, many reviews were negative, but, I think some readers need every step to be logical and sometimes people just do stupid stuff.

  6. This sounds like the perfect book to read on vacation, the weekend, or on a plane trip. A real page-turner.

  7. This sounds like a book I'd like.

  8. If you like psych thrillers and quick page turners, this one is for you.

  9. I like books like this—thanks for the recommendation.

  10. So many good psych thrillers to choose from. This one looks like a good one, from your review!


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