Sunday, September 9, 2018

Weekly Update and A few new Books

The week flew by quickly: yoga (x2), a doctor's visit, an ultrasound with "nothing serious" results, repeat in 4 months (thank goodness). There were also lunches out, a library book sale, a visit to new casino and blood work for our remaining cat who is now 16. He seems to be acting okay but has lost 1.5 lbs in 6 months (awaiting blood results). At one time he weighed 13-14 lbs but now just 9.6.

Many thanks for the  above (2) books arrive last week from publishers.

$2.50 for the above (5) books at a library book sale this weekend.
Finished this week 
Reading Right Now:
Plan on starting this week:
Have a nice week everyone!


  1. I'm glad there's "nothing serious" wrong. I'd like to read Free Food for Millionaires soon.

    1. Thanks Kathy, one of those little annoyances, but nothing serious, thank you.

  2. I'm glad that nothing serious is going with you, and I hope the same for your cat. Pets fill our lives with so much joy...

    Isn't it great when you can get several books for little money? I love that. The covers of the books you received from publishers are quite fetching. I hope the contents deliver. Looking forward to your reviews.

    1. Carmen, thank you! You are so right about pets.

      I do love book sales!

  3. You did have a busy week and glad that there was 'nothing serious'. Seriously, Diane, big hugs to you. Hope all is OK with your kitty. Library sale sounds fun. Enjoy your books!

    1. Thanks so much Kay, I'm overly cautious when it comes to my health or when things don't seem exactly right, but fortunately this issue doesn't seem serious.

  4. So good to hear that all came back well with your results. Keeping fingers crossed for your kitty! Enjoy the new books. Can't wait to hear what you think of the new Kingsolver book.

    1. Thanks Iliana, I am concerned about our cat, especially since it's our last pet and he is such a lap cat.

  5. Sounds like a good week despite the medical issues. I hope it all turns out okay!

  6. You sure have been busy and I’m glad the tests were okay. Purrs to your sweet kitty from all of us.

    1. Thank you Brian...Our Buddy is the last of our pets - one time 5 cats, now just him - so sad when they must leave us.

  7. Diane, you've had a busy week. I'm glad you are okay, and hope your 16-year-old cat's okay, too. Enjoy all of your new goodies!

  8. I like your book choices, Anne Tyler is a favorite of mine.

    1. I like Anne Tyler and just realized when I saw this book that I haven't read everything yet that she has written.

  9. Great haul at the library! Hope the kitty is doing better.

  10. Sounds like a good week and glad the US showed nothing serious. Happy you found a copy of Free Food for Millionaires. If your library has hoopla, you can download the audio version there and make it a read/listen combo. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

    1. I'll have to check as we have "Libby" for downloads and "Overdrive".

  11. I read Ana of California. Loved it! Same with Free Food For Millionaires. I am so looking forward to the new one by Barbara Kingsolver.

  12. Wow, you had a busy week - but sounds like a lot of fun things. And very glad your ultrasound yielded good results!

    I can't wait to read the new Kingsolver - she is probably my #1 favorite author of all time :) Three of her novels are in my top 10 books of all time (a list that is constantly changing but those are pretty stable!)

    Enjoy your books and hope you have another good week!


    Book By Book

    1. I started Kingsolver's new one and put it aside. I will go back but, it wasn't holding my interest at the time -- surprising!

  13. It's been a busy week for you. I am glad nothing serious was found in the ultrasound. Hopefully the blood work for your cat comes back with good news. I hope you enjoy your reading and have a good week, Diane!

  14. I'll be curious to hear if the new Kingsolver novel is any good. Also the Nora Ephron book. I hope your cat will be okay. I'm a huge animal lover so I'm a mess when they get sick.


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