Sunday, January 13, 2019

My Week in Review

It's  22° with snow predicted on Friday and continuing through the weekend. 
On Tuesday I had a biopsy and I'm feeling thankful that the results came back as benign.  Not so thankful for my first UTI (ever) but, at least the meds are working.  Also our middle granddaughter had a terrible bout of the flu, spent time in the ER and lost 3 lbs in a few days but, finally she has turned the corner.
Reading - The Overstay; Richard Powers (beautiful writing, liking it, but it's lengthy and a tough read for me)
Finished - One Day in December; Josie Silver (no review yet) 4/5 stars and The Traveling Cat Chronicles; Hiro Awikawa (no review yet) loved it -  4.5/5
Listening To - The Whistler; John Grisham
Watching - We binge watched The Sopranos this week (1 season)
In The Kitchen - We ate out a lot this week as I was kinda stressed but, I did make pancakes and banana nut bread this morning.
New To Me Stuff - Love Beauty & Planet Lavender Deodorant (love this stuff)
                              - Harney's Tropical Green Tea (liked it)

This Week - Back to yoga M-W-F (I missed all last week due to medical stuff for me, but thankfully thats all behind me. Bringing my SIL to airport on Tuesday and have a hair appointment Wednesday.
Hope you all had a good week!


  1. Glad the biopsy result was negative! And your granddaughter is feeling better. What a week you had! I made banana nut bread this morning :) I hope the week ahead is much more calm, Diane.

  2. That must be quite a relief about the biopsy result. Very glad for you and wish you a much quieter week this week.

  3. I am so glad your biopsy came back negative, Diane. What a relief that must be. UTI's are no fun, I know. I hope your granddaughter is feeling better. My daughter is sick at the moment. She's doing a little better today than she was yesterday, so hopefully will continue to improve. I am so glad you enjoyed The Traveling Cat Chronicles. I have been curious about that one. I hope you have a good week, Diane!

    1. Thanks Wendy, I am relieved. I think you would enjoy Traveling Cat Chronicles Wendy.

  4. I am so happy to hear the negative results of your biopsy. Sometimes a negative is a big positive thing!

  5. Hi Diane,
    I'm so delighted to hear that all the BAD medical stuff is over. How worrying about your granddaughter--I'm glad she's doing better.
    How interesting you're watching The Sopranos. My husband and I were so compelled by it when it was first on HBO. Incredible acting, studpendous writing.
    Hope this coming week will be a great one for you.

    1. Thanks Judith, it was quite the week.

      Sopranos is having a 20th anniversary prequel this year I was told.

  6. I'm glad that all is better health-wise. Good to know about the books you read and loved, and the Sopranos binge-watch. I bought the whole series not that long ago, so I have that to look forward to.

    1. Thanks Carmen - I think this week will be better.
      Sopranos is having a 20th anniversary prequel this year!

  7. Sounds like you've had a medically harrowing week... very happy you got good results, and that you and your granddaughter are both on the mend. I've been wondering about The Overstory, so will be curious to read your final thoughts.

    1. Thanks JoAnn. It will take me a while to get through The Overstory, but I do want to finish it.

  8. It sounds like y'all had a tough week medically. I'm glad things turned out well for you and your granddaughter. A customer recommended One Day in December to me - hopefully I'll get to it sooner rather than later.

    1. I think you would like One Day in December. Thanks for the well wishes Kathy.

  9. Happy Sunday, Diane! I'm glad things turned out well healthwise. I hope it doesn't snow too much, and that the week ahead is a good one for you!

  10. I like the format of the week in review! I am so glad to hear your biopsy brought good results; that is really scary stuff! And a UTI, totally icky, I'm glad you've got medicine. And, glad your granddaughter is okay. What a week of medical issues! I also read and enjoyed One Day in December.

    1. Yes, Helen, hoping this week will be better - so far so good LOL

  11. Happy to hear that the biopsy came back as benign and UTIs are the worst. Hope your granddaughter is better today. So many getting hit hard with flu.

    The Overstory is on my list.

    1. Thanks Ti.

      The Overstory is so different, wonderful writing but slow reading for me. It will take a while.

  12. I too am happy to know you are well again! I loved The Overstory but yes it is long and dense. Looking forward to more reviews from you.

    1. Judy, you were the inspiration for me trying The Overstory. It will take me a while as it isn't an easy read but the writing is so good.

  13. What a week you've had! I'm glad the results were benign but a UTI is never fun. Hopefully that will be your first and last. Glad to hear your granddaughter is better. How scary! Hope this week is much calmer than last week!

  14. Glad you are all right. I'm impressed you have picked up The Overstory. I'm a bit intimidated by getting it so far.

    1. Very intense read, so it'll take me a while to get through with this one.

  15. So sorry to hear you were going through that health scare. I hate it when stuff like that weighs so heavily on one's mind. But, glad to hear all went well and that your granddaughter is doing much better too! Looking forward to your review of One Day in December. I read that one last month and really enjoyed it... Still need to review it!

  16. Thanks Vicki, I think you would enjoy Traveling Cat Chronicles

  17. Thank goodness for benign test results! And very stressful when the littles end up sick. I supplement a lot of Vit C everyday and elderberry a few times a week for Gage during the flu season. The flu freaks me out a bit. I hope you can enjoy a relaxing week. We are expecting snow overnight but hopefully it won't be too bad.

  18. Diane, so happy about your biopsy result. And glad your granddaughter is coming through on the other side of her flu. Flu can really make anyone very, very sick. You take care of yourself and I hope your yoga practice this week will be very relaxing indeed. Big hugs!

  19. Oh my goodness! You had quite the stressful week, didn't you?! I'm so relieved that the results to your biopsy came back benign. I hope you didn't have to wait too long to learn the good news. And, I'm so sorry your granddaughter was so ill with the flu that she had to go to the ER. She must've been frightened. Or maybe she was too sick to care. Ugh. Ah, The Sopranos. We binged on that when it first aired. Loved that show and may watch it again someday. Hope your week has gone smoothly since you first posted this, Diane!


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