Tuesday, May 18, 2021

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - Cold Caller; Jason Starr


Welcome to First Chapter/Intros, now hosted by Yvonne @ Socrates Book Reviews
Each week readers post the first paragraph (or 2) of a book they are reading or plan to read soon.

                                                                     Cold Caller; Jason Starr
                                                                        WW Norton - 1998


"ON MOST DAYS, I wouldn't have said anything.  Like the typical New Yorker, I'd have given her a couple of dirty looks, maybe grunted a little, and minded my own business.  But that morning was different. Maybe things were already building up in my life, pushing me to the brink.  Or maybe I was just having a bad day. I'd have a fight with my girlfriend the night before and she'd left for work that morning without saying goodbye."

I plan on starting this one today, it was mentioned as one of the great murder mysteries in Peter Swanson's book, Eight Perfect Murders.  What do you think - read more or pass?


  1. I love the sound of this one...and that freaky cover! Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

    1. It starts off very addictive - the guy is one to hate but, a story you can't resist to see where it's headed.

  2. I'd give it a go for sure...and I can relate to the opening line as a native New Yorker. Hope you like it.

    1. Catherine - the protagonist is an arrogant, sociopath it seems.

  3. Replies
    1. Brian, it's started off so well, I'm really curious where it will end up.

  4. Just the cover scares the fire out of me! I miss so many good books because I'm such a scaredy-cat.

    1. Deb, I tend to avoid horror which I never used to but I do love an addictive thriller.

  5. It does make one wonder what it is that is going on in his life and want to find out more. So, read more for sure.

    1. Dorothy, I'm addicted to the protagonist, a sociopath with a girlfriend (poor thing). I started it this morning and it's quite addictive.

  6. I might give this one a try. The opening paragraph has me curious!

    1. Les, it's just over 200 pp and it's difficult to put down. The story is slightly dated 1998 (at least technology-wise) but the protagonist Bill Moss is quite the sociopath. Can't wait to see what else will happen here.

  7. I love when a book is mentioned on another book. Very meta!

  8. No doubt...I'd definitely read more. These few lines made me really curious to see what happens after the guy blows up.

    1. Sam, I started this today and am 1/2 through; it is not real long book just over 200pp. I immediately thought that this would be one you'd enjoy perhaps. This guy is a piece of work (think sociopath weirdo)and although the writing isn't anything great, it's hard to stop reading.

    2. Thanks for the recommendation. I'll take a closer look.

  9. The opening does grab your attention. So does the cover! I would definitely give it a try.

  10. I would definitely want to know more.

  11. I would have probably passed this one up just based off the cover but the beginning does have me wanting to know more.

  12. I've often looked for books mentioned in other books. I love that. I think I would give this one a try.


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