Sunday, September 4, 2022

Book Review - The Left-Handed Twin; Thomas Perry


The Left-Handed Twin; Thomas Perry
Highbridge Audio - 2022
(audio purchase - 8 hours 49 minute)
(Joyce Bean - Narrator - good)

Jane Whitefield  a 30-something part Seneca woman who is married to a surgeon. she has a unique gift and has helped about 100 people terrified people safely escape their former lives often when it is a life or death situation. After taking a break from her work for a bit, she is asked by a friend to help a young woman named Sara who testified against he badass boyfriend in a murder trial. The former boyfriend is acquitted and he is looking for Sara and even has the help of the Russian mob who are more interested in finding Jane than finding Sara. They have an interest in finding out the real names of the people that Jane has helped start new lives over the years.

From upstate New York, New Hampshire and even along the Appalachian Trail, Jane seems to keep just one step above her pursuers. The pace of this story is fast and the tension nail biting at times including the story's terrifying conclusion.  This is book #9 of the Jane Whitefield series but, it can clearly be read as a stand alone novel.  There is plenty of backstory, almost too much at times IMO.  I've read a few of the previous series books but not in order and,  I like Jane's character. She is a smart, strong and fearless sort of woman who is dedicated to what she does. I think new readers will find the information she provides about charging identities and staying under the radar interesting as they read.

I purchased this audio download and although I've enjoyed Joyce Bean as a narrator previously, her voice to me sounded like a much older woman who did not fit Jane's part as a woman who was in her 30s. A decent thriller overall.

Rating - 4/5 stars


  1. I've enjoyed some of Thomas Perry's books but I haven't read any of this series. I think I need to remedy that.

  2. Interesting as I have only read a few books from this series. The Old Man, a standalone, was really good IMO -

  3. This sounds good and I've never read anything by this author before.

    1. Yes, it's a different kind of story and an author I would try more of. He has written many books.

  4. That does sound like a really good thriller!

    1. Yes, it was decent and his stories do keep you engaged and they tend to be average length novels as well - 300 page rage which I prefer.

  5. Tense and fast paced is a selling point for me. I have only read one Thomas Perry book and really liked it. I should give his other books a try.

    1. Hi Wendy, I do like the way Perry draws you into his stories, the few I read were well paced.

  6. I've been meaning to try this series because I so like the sound of Jane as a character. It's nice to know that this one can be read out of order. :)

  7. Definitely can jump right into the series with this one. I'll be curious to whether you like it.

  8. Sounds like there's armchair travelling element to this one so it might be my kind of thing. :-)

  9. Well, perhaps but they don't stay anywhere all that long:)

  10. I haven't read any of his books but would be curious to check this one out. We've just started watching The Old Man based on one of his books and it's good.

  11. I've had it happen a few times where the narrator sounds much older or younger then the characters and it's always a bit jarring. This does sound good though I think I will go for the print version.

  12. I'm not familiar with this author but the book sounds intriguing. Will have to check it out.

  13. I do have lots of catching up to do with this author but, I like the way he writes.


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