Monday, January 7, 2013

Mailbox Monday - January 7th

Mailbox Monday is a gathering place for readers to share their new book acquisitions each week. January's host is Lori of Lori's Reading Corner.

(2) new childrens books arrive last week: The classic Velveteen Rabbit (purchase) and a new one Tyler Makes Pancakes (Amazon Vine) and one Europa Edition from a Paperback Swap member, Necropolis.

Off to check out your new books!


  1. Love the cover of Necropolis!

  2. Oooh Velveteen Rabbit! I have never read that and only really know about it because of Friends. I must try and get to read it soon. I hope you had a great Christmas x

  3. Haven't heard of Necropolis but am curious to know how you like it!

  4. Whenever I see The Velveteen Rabbit I'm transported to another time - when my children were so young and I read it to them. I remember tearing up as I read. Such a sweet story.

  5. Picture books are so delightful...and I love The Velveteen Rabbit. Enjoy! I know you're going to be reading them to those gorgeous grandchildren.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  6. I thought Tyler Makes Pancakes was cute. It would be fun to read it with a little one and then cook pancakes.

    1. I forgot you read that one:0 (it's very cute but parts of it I hope a young child wouldn't try alone) LOL

  7. Necropolis is something that I really want to read, and that edition of The Velveteen Rabbit looks amazing! I would love to see that one in person, and may have to stop by the bookstore to check it out...Great mailbox today!

  8. I don't think I've read Velveteen Rabbit... or perhaps it was sooo long ago I forgot.

  9. Two cute children's books, love Velveteen Rabbit.

  10. Tyler makes Pancakes looks cute. :)

  11. The Velveteen Rabbit is always a great read. The other kids' book look to have great illustrations.

  12. Looks like a lovely copy of The Velveteen Rabbit. Can't have too many books at Grandma's house, huh? ;)

    1. Absolutely. and I imagine once she begins walking they'll find their way going slowly home with her one by one....LOL

  13. I loved The Velveteen Rabbit as a kid!

  14. I'd never heard of The Velveteen Rabbit until it was on Friends, but it sounds like quite a classic in America. Lovely editions - enjoy!

  15. These look like great fun. Enjoy!

  16. Velveteen Rabbit looks very alluring. Maybe because I love bunnies. :D Happy reading!

  17. The novel looks so small compared to the children's book! :-)

    Have fun reading them.

  18. Love the kids' books!!! Enjoy!


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