Tuesday, September 5, 2017

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - Little Fires Everywhere; Celeste Ng

Every Tuesday I host First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros sharing the first paragraph, maybe two, of a book that I'm reading or plan to read soon. (I'm 3/4 into this one and enjoying it.)

Penguin - Sept 12, 2018


"Everyone on Shaker Heights was talking about it that summer: how Isabelle,the last of the Richardson children, had finally gone around the bend and burned the house down.  All spring the gossip had been about little Mirabelle McCullough--or, depending which side you are on, May Ling Chow--and now, at last, there was something new and sensational to discuss.  A little after noon on that Saturday morning in May, the shoppers pushing their grocery carts in Heinen's heard the fire engines wail to life and careen away, toward the duck pond.  By quarter after twelve there were four of them parked in a haphazard red line along Parkland Drive, where all six bedrooms of the Richardson house were ablaze, and everyone within a half mile could see the smoke rising over the trees like a dense black thundercloud.  Later people would say that the signs had been there all along: that Izzy was a little lunatic, and there had always been something off about the Richardson family, that as soon as they heard the sirens that morning they knew something terrible had happened.  By then, of course, Izzy would be long gone, leaving no one to defend her, and people could--and did--say whatever they liked.  At the moment the trucks arrived though, and for quite a while afterward, no one knew what was happening.  Neighbors clustered close to the makeshift barrier--a police cruiser, parked crosswise a hundred yards away--as they could and watched the firemen unreel their hoses with the grim faces of men who recognized a hopeless cause. Across the street, the messes at the pond ducked their heads underwater for weeds, wholly unruffled by the commotion"

Does this intro make you curious for more?

Please feel free to join in each Tuesday with your own "First Chapter, First Paragraph Intro" by linking your post from the book you are reading below.


  1. Welcome back! I've been eyeing this book, and I love the intro. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Laurel, Thanks for coming back to First Chapter on Tuesdays after my summer blogging break, I appreciate it!

  2. Hello Diane it is so good to have you back here particularly with such a good opening! Love the sound of this one and you definitely have me tempted!

    1. Cleo, Thanks for the return welcome and for coming back to First Chapter on Tuesdays after my summer blogging break, I appreciate it!

  3. Hi Diane, I'm glad you've brought this back. I am curious to know more - it sounds sensational.

    1. Margaret, Glad u liked the intro and thanks for coming back to First Chapter on Tuesdays after my summer blogging break, I appreciate it!

  4. I want to know what happened....my first time to participate here is my link: http://www.booksarge.com/2017/09/05/first-chapter-first-paragraph-tuesday-intros/

    1. Thank you for joining us, I'm so happy to have new bloggers (and old).

  5. Wow. I want to know more about this town and this family!

    1. Charlie, Thanks for coming back to First Chapter on Tuesdays after my summer blogging break, I appreciate it!

  6. Welcome back. Sounds like you had a great summer and I agree that sometimes books aren't everything.

    1. Nice, so glad you came back after my absence. Hope your summer was great!

  7. This sounds like an intriguing read! Yes, I want to know more.

    Welcome back! I hope you had a relaxing summer. I really can't believe it's already over. :(

    1. Thanks Les, I love reading about your move, travels etc.

  8. I've seen the book around. Welcome back. You were missed.

    1. Mystica, thank you. I love your short, concise book reviews, even though I don't comment a lot, I do read them.

  9. I owned Everything I Never Told You for a long time but never read it. Now it's gone. Maybe I need to get a hold of it again.

    1. Oh Everything I Never Told You was excellent; great discussion book too.

  10. Vicki, I loved her first book and this is good as well - thanks for visiting.

  11. Nice to see you back! I've been missing in action myself for a while. I guess we just needed a break. I just chose this book for my "Book of the Month" selection. Can't wait.

    1. Debbie, yes, it's good to get away from the same ole, same ole sometimes. Thanks for coming back though!

  12. Intriguing! I like the ducks described as 'messes' - I know,I used to keep some! Glad you are back in action.
    Miss Cellany.

    1. Glad you liked the intro, this was a well written book, finished it this morning.

      Thanks for posting and linking up this week.

  13. We've missed you too, you're my Cliff Notes on what's available and what's good! Yes, this one sounds fairly interesting!

  14. I've heard good things about this book. I'll have to check it out! Great teaser!

    1. Very good; finished it this morning. Thanks for joining us this week, I appreciate that.

  15. Will have a glance of the book:)

  16. That does make me want more - fascinating first paragraph!

  17. Wow, I would continue reading for sure--will have to add this to my GoodReads TBR list. That opening is absolutely packed with great info to hook the reader.


Thanks for taking the time to visit and double thanks for any comments. If you ask a question in your comments, I will try to reply to it here, or by email if your settings allow me to do so. Thanks again for visiting.