Monday, October 2, 2017

RIP Dear Freckles

(Freckles - 2003 - 2017)

As I mentioned in my Sunday post, our 14 year old cat Freckles was not doing well.  He had lost weight and for the last few days he had turned his nose up at most foods except for a couple of licks and a few laps of water here and there.  Then last night his breathing seemed a bit labored, so first thing this morning we made an appointment to bring him to the Vet.  On the way there in his carrier in the back seat, a 20 minute ride, he let on one cry (our cats have always hated the car) but, when we got to the Vet he seemed unresponsive in his carrier so they rushed him in to be checked.   We soon got the sad news that he had passed away.  We were told he had a lot of fluid in his lungs and that, his weakened state, along with the stress of the car ride, most likely resulted in heart failure.

We got Freckles as a kitten in Rhode Island, always an indoor cat, he was never a lap cat, but he loved being close to us (especially my husband). He loved being brushed, watching the birds, squirrels and chipmunks and playing with toys.  He was well loved and will be deeply missed.

2017 has been a terrible year for us and our furry friends. As some of you might recall, in February, we lost our sweet Lily, also 14 years of age, and I can't say we are over her loss, even 8 months later.   Our fur babies are down to just 1 now, Buddy, who is 15 and, like his humans,  is quite sad today. He's looking around the house for his friend and seems a bit nervous, not able to find a place for himself.

To all my readers with a furry family member, give them an extra hug and extra treat today.  Our time on earth is short and we are never ready when faced with that loss.

RIP Freckles, you were loved.


  1. Diane, I am so sorry about sweet Freckles. I know your family will miss him.

  2. I am so sorry to hear this. I love animals, especially cats. It is so hard when they depart. It sounds like you gave Freckles a wonderful life.

  3. Thoughts to you on the loss of Freckles.

  4. Oh, so sorry about Freckles! It is hard to lose our furry friends. I don't have any pets right now, but have sweet memories of cats I've cherished over the years.

  5. Aw, I'm so sorry for your loss. I know Freckles was a part of your family.

  6. Hello Diane, it is a long time since I popped in and to find out you had lost your beloved Freckles. I am so very sorry and sending a big hug.

  7. We are never ready though we know it will come. My condolences.

  8. The loss of a pet is so huge; I am sorry for your loss. I am sitting here with my poodle, Charlie and will give him an extra squeeze.

  9. I am so sorry about Freckles - it's always heart-breaking when we lose such a well-loved friend.

  10. So sorry about Freckles! It has been a terrible wee for losing pets :(


  11. Thanks to all my readers: Susan, Brian,Nise, Laurel, Denise Mystica, Helen, Margaret, Coletta and others for their kind words and caring. I appreciate this.

  12. I'm so sorry to hear about Freckles, Diane...

  13. My deepest condolences for your loss.

  14. This is such sad new, Diane! You've had an especially hard year with pet losses and I truly understand the pain and sadness you're feeling right now. It's so hard! I hope it brings you some comfort to know that there are so many of us pet-lovers holding you in our thoughts and prayers in the coming days. Sending you big hugs, friend. xo

  15. We are so very, very sorry to hear about dear Freckles. We send you purrs, hugs and all our love.

  16. Incredible how much empty space is left after a pet is gone. Buddy looking for his friend seems the most sad of all.

  17. I'm so sorry to hear about Freckles. I know the anguished cry you speak of. My cat of 17 years let out a similar cry before he took his last breath. It's been years but I still remember it as he was in my arms when it happened. Aw, this makes me sad. I suppose when you are ready Buddy is going to need a new companion.

  18. Diane I'm so sorry to hear the news! What a sweet picture of Freckles.

  19. I am so sorry, Diane. I remember what an especially hard blow it was four years ago when I lost Riley and Anya months apart. My house seems so empty now with just one cat. We had to say goodbye to Parker this past Friday. I imagine it feels much the same way for you right now. We love them so much. Sending hugs your way.

  20. So sad to hear this. We have five cats, but I admit I still grieve over the passing of Mr. C, our Siamese, in 2012,he was nearly twenty

  21. JoAnne, Freda, Les, Brian, Judy, Mary, Ti, Vicki, Iliana, and Mel-- Thanks for your kind comments with the loss of our friend Freckles.

  22. So sorry you've lost another of your furry family. They are such a big part of our lives and I know how much you will miss her.


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