Tuesday, November 28, 2017

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - The Ninth Hour; Alice McDermott

Every Tuesday I host First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros sharing the first paragraph, maybe two, of a book that I'm reading or plan to read soon.  

 The Ninth Hour; Alice McDermott
Farrah, Straus & Giroux - 2017

These Short Dark Days

"FEBRUARY 3 WAS A DARK AND DARK DAY altogether: cold spitting rain in the morning and a low, steel-gray sky the rest of the afternoon.

At four, Jim convinced his wife to go out to do her shopping before full darkness fell.  He closed the door on her with a gentle wave.  His hair was thinning snd he was missing a canine on the right side, but he was nevertheless a handsome man who, at thirty-two, might still have passed for twenty.  Heavy brows and deep-set, dark-lashed eyes that had been making women catch their breath since he was sixteen.  Even if he had grown bald and toothless, as he seemed fated to do, the eyes would have served him long into old age."

Does this intro make you curious for more?

Please feel free to join in each Tuesday with your own "First Chapter, First Paragraph Intro" by linking your post from the book you are reading below. 


  1. I was eyeing this book earlier. I am definitely curious. Why did he send her out shopping so late? What is he up to?

  2. The Linky seems to be the one from last week.

    1. Here's my link: https://bluemondaysnomore.wordpress.com/2017/11/27/rainy-day-excerpts-little-broken-things/

  3. I like the description of Jim in that first paragraph. I'd like to read more.

    Since Mister Linky isn't working, I'll leave my blog post's like here: http://joyfullyretired.com/2017/11/27/first-paragraph-code-name-verity/

  4. This definitely sounds intriguing - how do some men manage that when women never seem to? Here's my link for this week https://cleopatralovesbooks.wordpress.com/2017/11/28/first-chapter-first-paragraph-november-28/

    1. Cleo, that is so true - men grow distinguished looking as they age (some men) women get "old" LOL

  5. I am curious - I have no idea where this is going to take me. I like that!

  6. I have this on my list. I like the opener!

  7. I think it's an interesting beginning. I can honestly say I don't think I've ever read a book where we find out that the husband is missing a canine tooth in the first chapter. A+ for originality!

  8. Hmm, not sure. I haven't read anything by McDermott. I may wait for your review. :)

  9. I have never read this author. Is she good?

  10. Oh I adore Alice McDermott! I will be reading this.

  11. Not really, but it sure is well written!

  12. I haven't read Alice McDermott in a long time so I'd be curious to find out more about this one. Hope you enjoy!

  13. I agree with Vicki...sounds suspicious. I don't think I have read any Alice McDermott. I better remedy that with this book. Thanks for the tease.

  14. The opening leaves me wondering what dark/bad thing will be happening.

  15. I thought so as well, but, I will have to wait a bit before reading more , I have a time on my nightstand now LOL

  16. My first time on this meme, and I would check it out. Usually I read a review and am on it, especially if the author is one I like.

  17. It does make you wonder what he's up to, and as I like the author, would probably check it out.


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