Sunday, February 11, 2018

Week in Review - 2/11/2018

This has been a tough week for us.  My husband's birthday celebration was not meant to be. Wednesday we had a snowstorm, Thursday and Friday brought some funky stomach bug for me and a granddaughter and then yesterday and today the birthday boy himself is feeling lousy.  This bug hit me hard and I can't ever remember having such a violent stomach bug as this one. Even today I'm not back 100 percent and living on tea and toast. (I did lose 4.5 lbs. very quickly though with no effort) Today we'll be taking it easy.

This week I finished 2 books and both were very good.

William Morrow (2018)

Anna Fox worked as a child psychologist but now spends her days inside her $3,000,000 Manhattan brownstone, afraid to go outside. She watches movies, visits internet chat rooms for agoraphobics, over medicates, drinks too much and she spies on her new neighbors in the building across the street. Anna was once married to Ed and together had a daughter Olivia, but now she lives alone. One day she thinks she's witnessed a horrible crime, but then she is an unreliable narrator, so did something awful really happen or did she imagine it?

This book started out kind of slow for me, but gradually the tension and excitement builds. I figured out part some of the twists but not all.  Overall, an enjoyable read that made me want to watch  lots of old movies once again.

Rating 4/5 stars

Jessica Bruder (2017) W.W. Norton

Nomadland looks at the growing trend of unemployed, uninsured, often older individuals (baby boomers ages 55-75), some who are too young to collect social security benefits but, also find themselves cash strapped and unable to afford housing and food.  These nomads "workampers" are leaving behind the towns they've called home, the homes that are now worth less than what they still owe on them for seasonal employment wherever they can find work.

The work is hard, hours are long and pay is low but, they take what they can find and begin living a lifestyle on wheels be it by RV, van or camper. Some of these individuals have made bad choices in life,  but many have lost everything through no fault of their own. Instead of enjoying life in their 60's and 70's, they find their savings depleted, social security benefits inadequate and are being forced to work long hours to simply survive.

A well-written and researched book yet a sobering and depressing read as well. I read this book in one sitting and as a baby boomer, it was quite an eye-opener.

Rating 4.5/5 stars

New Books Arrivals - Kiddo Pleasers
Thanks to Candlewick Press

Movies Watched this Week

As I read The Woman in the Window this week, there were several references to old movies and the movie Gaslight so I just had to see it. What and excellent movie from (1944); loved that it was in black and white. Murder at 1600 (1997) was chosen for the cast Wesley Snipes and Diane Lane. The movie was okay but not exceptional. I think that movie was based on a book by Margaret Truman.

Hope all of you had a good week and may this coming week be even better.


  1. Ugh, I hope you and your hubby are 100% soon.

    I was the same way with The Woman in the Window - I figured out some of the twists but not all.

  2. So sorry about your health slump. Where would we be without movies and books? I saw two old movies this week: Splendor in the Grass and A Summer Place. They each made stars out of the main characters. Natalie Wood and Warren Beatty; Sandra Dee and Troy Donoghue. They all look soooo young!

    1. Judy, I need to watch those 2 movies, I'm not sure I've seen them.

      As for young, everyone looks "so young" to me since I retired LOL

  3. OMG...I fear getting the flu! Hopefully you are all feeling better by now. Perhaps you can add some chicken soup or bone broth to your flu diet.

  4. Oh no, what an awful week! Hope you're all feeling better and can enjoy a birthday celebration later this week.

    I'm still thinking about Nomadland... what a great book. A friend of mine bought a teardrop camper and has gone to AZ this winter to work as a camp host. Wouldn't be for me, but judging from facebook she's having a great time.

    1. Glad u liked Nomadland too. It made me feel so sorry for these people but, yet they seemed to be the kind of people who just pick themselves up faster when bad breaks fall on them.

  5. So sorry about your bug. Hate those. I'm reading The Woman in the Window right now too and am enjoying all the movie references. I haven't seen very many of them and it makes me want to make notes and hunt for all of them. Nomadland does sound sad and a bit depressing. And scary. Not sure if I will read it or not. Hope you guys recover and can have a nice birthday celebration this next week. :-)

    1. Kay, Nomadland is a "must read" for baby boomers. I hope you try it.

  6. I hope it's gone for good soon too; I'm better today.

  7. Diane,
    It certainly sounds as if you were flattened by a "norovirus." This is an extremely infectious stomach virus that is nearly impossible to avoid when one is exposed to it. I sure hope that books and tv movies helped you through. They are positively NASTY. My sympathies. And I hope you are feeling much better.
    As you know, I loved The Woman in the Window. Take your time recovering!

    1. Judith, yes exactly, I may have gotten it from a food handler with some takeout the night before but, WHO KNOWS?

      Yes, glad you loved Woman in the Window.

  8. I hope you and family are all well today. I noted down the title Woman in the Window, I don't have agoraphobia but can imagine it. That movie Gaslight sounds good too. Those two children's book covers are adorable.

  9. The flu and stomach bugs that are going around this year are awful; I am so sorry you had one last week! I definitely want to read The Woman in the Window

    1. It was a terrible week Helen, but, fortunately I am now 90% better. Hope you'll try Woman in the Window.

  10. I'm sorry you guys have been so under the weather! No fun not to be able to be sick on your birthday. Stay warm!

  11. Oh no - stomach bugs are the worst (except the effortless weight loss)! The flu is making its way through our house.
    I've got Nomadland on my list for Nonfiction November.

    1. Nomadland was very enjoyable. Love when I find a book that I read in one rate lately.

  12. Let me just repeat Sarah: stomach bugs are the WORST. Lots of tea and take it easy.

    1. Absolutely, the worst way to be sick. I told the hub I'll never eat pizza again (last meal with salad before getting sick) - now that I'm 90% better, I'm kinda positive pizza will be a go to food in the future LOL

  13. Sorry to hear about everyone being so sick. Your pizza vow reminds me of over 40 years ago when Tom has his appendix out. The last thing he ate was barbecue sauce, and he said he would never eat it again! Ironically we became vegetarians not long afterwards. ;<))

    1. Oh dear, Nan, I hear ya! With warm thoughts from a fellow veggie bookworm... :)

  14. I'm glad you're feeling a bit better. Those stomach bugs are the worst. I probably shouldn't say this, but in the 32 years I've known my husband he has never had the stomach flu. My daughter and I get it far too often (although not recently, thank goodness!), but he never catches it. Here's to a better week!

  15. Happy to have found your great blog! And to hear that you and your family are on the mend.

    I'm looking forward to reading, "Woman in the Window," though at first thought it was a bit too similar to "Girl on a Train," and "Woman in Cabin 10." It's funny how similar books just spike in interest at the same time, isn't it? Anyway, I liked both of those books, so anticipate liking this one as well. Your post also makes me want to find an old movie to watch! ;) Bookmarking your blog for further reading...

  16. Gaslight is one of my favorite movies though I haven't seen it in years! I have it recorded though so I'm going to try to fix that this weekend. I was really surprised to read that it was Angela Lansbury's film debut and she won an Academy Award for it. I have The Woman in the Window on my TBR and I'm looking forward to it. I think I'm going to go audio - that works better for slow starts for me. Hope you're having a great week!

  17. I hope you are feeling better. I'm on the wait list for Woman in the Window. Seems like a good premise. Glad you enjoyed it.

  18. Sorry you were ill and your family celebrations were not as planned. I love novels like The Woman in the Window--will have to put that on my list. Nomadland sounds depressing but interesting.

  19. Nomadland does sound very depressing. The world we live in.

  20. You've had a productive, reading week. I hope it continues for you.

  21. I sort of remember Gaslight from years ago but should rewatch. One of my favorite old movies is The Philadelphia Story with Hepburn, Grant and Stewart and our local Cinemark actually showed it on the big screen this week. So much fun seeing a black and white movie at a movie theater!

  22. It's sitting in my TBR pile. I will get to it as quickly as possible. I have definitely seen a lot of positive comments about it.


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