Sunday, January 20, 2019

My Week in Review

We woke up to snow, snow and more snow (about 5"- 6") and now sleet and freezing rain. Colder temps are moving in this tomorrow - perfect reason to stay in and read.
It was nice having a no-stress week.  It's also so nice to live in a condo and not have to worry about snow removal on days like today.
Reading - Still reading The Overstory; Richard Powers (beautiful writing, but, a tough read for me). This may be a DNF.

New Book Arrivals 

Some wonderful new books
from: Viking, Penguin, Atria, Candlewick, Celadon, Bookouture

Finished -  I  finished (3) other books (no reviews yet) : What to Eat When; Roizen & Crupain (just okay as it contained a lot of familiar info) and An Elderly Lady is Up to No Good; Helene Thursten (loved it) and Waiting for Bojangles; Oliver Bourdeaut (another loved it)
(Still) Listening To The Whistler; John Grisham
Watching - Thrilled to see: The Good Doctor, The Residents, New Amsterdam and This is Us return after it's winter break.  We also watched The Founder (McDonald's story). We saw this one at the movies, but, enjoyed it again a second time.
In The Kitchen - We always eat out a lot but, I did make a pasta primavera with shrimp one day.
New To Me Stuff - Frye Melissa Tote (this one is similar but mine has a zipper closure) and TJ MAXX had a much lower price.                            

Last Week - I did go to yoga M-W-F , I visited 3 different libraries, had a hair appointment and I  had lunch with my daughter and one granddaughter.
This Coming Week: Book group on Wednesday, yoga W and F and, I hope to have lunch with my son, DIL and  granddaughter on Friday.
Hope you all had a good week!


  1. That snow looks very pretty, but I'm sure with the build-up of sleet and ice, it will make for treacherous driving. I'm glad you don't have to get out into it. It's still raining here on the coast, but I have nowhere to be today, so I'll stay in and read, too. An Elderly Lady is Up to No Good sounds like a delightful book! Sounds like you have a busy week ahead. Stay warm!

    1. I'm recommending, An Elderly Lady is Up to No Good to everyone. Hope to review it this week.

  2. What do you think of The Whistler? I just read it for bookclub and it has been a while since i have read any Grisham. I was kinda disappointed.

    1. Shannon, I finished The Whistler last night and was a bit disappointed. The audio was good but it dragged a lot.

    2. Yeah I was disappointed too. I had not read a Grisham book since after Pelican Brief came out in the movies. I enjoyed reading that and The Firm before the movies came out. The Whistler was not very action packed nor did I care about the characters frankly.

  3. We got rain yesterday. It's been so gloomy here so we're really glad to see the sun today. I don't cook much either but we're having a "Souper" Sunday dinner for friends this evening. You got lots of great looking new books.

    1. Kathy, it is so freezing cold today - (1 degree) awful, it should warm up in a few days

  4. We had rain all week (always a good thing in So Cal) and good for staying in and reading. Hubby and I have seen The Founder and found it good! I have started keeping track of # of books in each week, library and bought. Five this week at Casa Judy. Happy reading! Just for the record, The Overstory is worth finishing to get the full arc of the story. Hope you can make it!

    1. Judy, you were the one that made me want to read Overstory so I will persist.

  5. Overall, a nice and quiet week, save for the snow. We had some and a lot of freezing rain. My car was rock solid. I saw and liked The Founder a great deal. I have The Overstory on my TBR.

    1. Yes, we have a 1-car garage and 2 cars and the hubs car was solid ice as well:(

  6. Your snow picture is pretty, but I'm certainly happy we don't have it. Central Texas goes nuts in snow and many people can't even drive in rain. Seriously. Ha! Yesterday was mega-cold though - high winds made it feel a lot colder. Today is better with no wind.

    Your week sounds good, Diane, and hope this one is just as good.

    1. The weather has not been fun Kay - 1 degree today (-16 with windchill).

  7. The snow is pretty but I wouldn't want to deal with icy rain afterward. Glad you don't have to deal with clean-up. We have someone to plow our driveway but I shovel our walk and grill area :) You had a nice week! And the tote is gorgeous. I'd want a zip closure as well. I love seeing the Candlewick books you get.

  8. Sounds like a wonderful week with books and yoga! I love your tote and will have to get out to T.J. Maxx as I could use a new one :)

  9. I thought the Founder was really interesting as well. Rumor has it the Egg McMuffin was first created in my town by a local McDonald's owner.

    1. We saw the Founder twice; really enjoyed Keaton in that role.

  10. You got some goodies but that’s too much snow for me!

  11. Touching base after not visiting in ages ! Glad you survived the snow storm ! Looks like you got more snow than we did in southern NH. I'm loving how it slows us down, though ! Thought of you when I got some new reads this week ... Harry's Trees and Charles Frazier's latest, Varina arrived in the mail. Oh bliss! New books to curl up with ! Stay warm and cozy !

    1. LOL - sometimes it's nice to have an excuse to stay in and do nothing. Off to check your latest recipes. Thanks for stopping by.

  12. Sounds like a great week, despite the snow! Condo living must be such a relief this time of year. I'll be interested in your decision on The Overstory. Have you read any of his other books? I have not, but wonder if this is the right place to start...

    1. I read a Powers book about 10 years ago and recall liking it. This is a tough one, I don't like to think and analyze that much as I read LOL

  13. It's sunny and 70 degrees here in the Phoenix area! It's hard to believe it's cold and snowy elsewhere. If you do venture out, be careful in all that snow and ice!

  14. We only watched the first episode of A Million Pieces.

  15. I'll have to see what Dangerous Crossing is about. I hope you enjoy your new books. That is a lot of snow. We have about 5 inches here too. I'll get my husband to shovel !

    1. Dangerous Crossing is one I look forward to. Have a great week.

  16. It sounds like you had a lovely week, with some fun plans made for this one (I hope you have enjoyed them!). Snowy winter days are definitely the best in which to be cocooned at home with book in hand!

  17. I do love reasons to stay home and hibernate in winter. LOL


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