Thursday, June 16, 2022

Brief Book Review - It All Comes Down to This; Therese Anne Fowler


It All Comes Down to This; Therese Anne Fowler
Macmillan Audio - 2022 - Library download
(Barrie Krenik - narrator - very good)

This is a story about family and sisterhood that had great potential but, fizzled out fast for me.

The story begins with the not unexpected death of Marti Geller who was dealing with cancer.  Marti was a planner and had all her final wishes clearly spelled out with few surprises. Her modest estate is to be split equally among her three daughters: Beck, Claire and Sophie.  One puzzling provision is that the Maine family cottage must be updated and sold.  The sisters do not understand why and are not looking forward to selling the property.  The sisters are  quite different and not close and each is dealing with their own issues.  When a southerner named CJ Reynolds enters the story as an interested buyer for the Maine cottage, things get a bit more tense and interesting.

It All Comes Down to This, is a character driven novel which I usually love.  Unfortunately, for the life of me, I could not connect with any of the characters. They felt flat and their issues uninteresting to me,  This was a story about family secrets, past betrayals and regrets. It had  a convenient ending as well. I'm giving this one a generous 3/5 stars but, it clearly isn't a book I can recommend.  Other readers may feel differently.  Barrie Krenik, a favorite audio book narrator, couldn't even help save this one for me even though she did a great job.

Rating - 3/5 stars


  1. Well that's disappointing! This type of novel usually appeals to me, too, but not being able to connect with any of the characters certainly changes things...

    1. I didn't read the author's previous book and I know many have loved it but, the reviews for this one are mostly disappointing. It had potential but failed to deliver for me.

  2. I think I've read another book by this author but can't recall the name right now. Suspect I will pass this one by. I've got a really long list for summer with things being newly published and also new series books to try.

    1. Kay, I didn't read the previous but, know many liked it a lot. I had high hopes for this one but, it fizzled fast.

  3. I couldn't agree more. I really thought this would be a winner.

  4. What a shame. I read A Good Neighborhood a couple of years ago, but that's the only book I've read by Fowler. I'll probably pass on this one. Thanks for the honest review.

    1. Sounds like maybe I should give A Good Neighborhood a try, many have loved that one.

  5. I hate when you can't connect with the characters, especially in a character-driven novel!

  6. I love this kind of book when it works and to work I have to really connect to the characters and understand their relationship with each other. I will probably give this one a miss.

  7. Me too, I was so looking forward to it and then the fizzle.

  8. Too bad this one wasn't a hit. Seems to have the right elements, but it's hard to be engaged if there's no character connection. I'll take the Maine cottage though! :-)

    1. Yes, anything about Maine or an island setting. The Maine cottage was pretty insignificant to the overall story.

  9. I don't have to like the characters in a book, but I do need to connect with them for a novel to work. Too bad that didn't happen for you.

  10. If Barrie can't save the novel on audio ... it's not a good sign!


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