Sunday, January 1, 2023

Here's to a Better 2023 and Favorite Reads of 2022


Hello all! Please forgive my abrupt disappearance from the blog (and life in general.) 2022 has not been a kind year for our household. One bad thing after another and it even meant ringing out 2022 with my first case of COVID...Day 3 of isolation here.  Here is to a much better 2023.  I'm not planning on too much blogging at least the first several months of the year due to vision issues.  I'm having some laser surgery in February and then need cataract surgery in both eyes as well.  I've been just listening to audio books as a result.

I did want to do a final 2022 recap of how my reading year went.

I read or listened to 141 books (LIST & LINKS HERE in 2022 but, you can see below that as my vision worsen my monthly reads declined as well.  

  • Fiction - 116
  • Non Fiction - 25
  • Children's Books - 12
  • Print Books (includes ARCS)(my shelves) - 35
  • Print Books (library) 12
  • eBooks/eGalleys (my shelves) - 28
  • eBooks (library) - 2
  • Audiobooks (my shelves) - 40
  • Audiobooks (library) - 23
  • Combo (read/listens) - 16
  • Female Authors - 102
  • Male Authors - 39
  • Debuts - 19
  • January Books Read - 14
  • February Books Read - 12
  • March Books Read - 18
  • April Books Read - 15
  • May Books Read - 14
  • June Books Read - 16
  • July Books Read - 14
  • August Reads - 15
  • September - 9
  • October - 9
  • November - 2
  • December - 3
                           FAVORITE READS of 2022  (no particular order)

                               Wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2023.


  1. I'm so sorry that 2022 was rough, Diane. I was thinking about you. Finishing 141 books is awesome, though, and I'm so glad you're still reading via audiobooks. I'll be sending you healing vibes for your upcoming eye surgeries. Take care, and Happy New Year. ♥

  2. It's so good to see you here again, Diane, but I'm sorry things are still difficult. So many great books on your list and, unsurprisingly, we share several fiction favorites. I listened to Voices from the Pandemic at the end of 2021 and it ended up on my favorites list last year. Wishing you and your family all the best in 2023. Hope your eye surgeries enable you to get back to print reading soon. Take care.

  3. It's good to hear from you. I had wondered... I'm so sorry to hear that 2022 was difficult for you and your family and I do hope that 2023 will bring you healing and joy.

  4. I'm so glad to hear from you but sorry to hear how rough 2022 was. I hope you enjoy your audio books and the eye surgeries are fast and painless with an easy recovery. Take care and happy New Year!

  5. Diane, I echo what others have said above regarding your eye surgery and also 2022. A tough year for many for sure. Hope that your eye surgeries will go well and be successful and I'm really happy that you can listen to books on audio. What a blessing! Happy New Year and we'll be around when you feel better. Take care, friend!

  6. So nice to see you here, Diane! What a rough year you've had. I do hope your eye surgery goes well and is successful. Winter Solstice was such a heart warming, restful book, so glad you liked it. Happy New Year and I sincerely hope 2023 will be a better year for you. Take care.

  7. If I called you as often as I think about you, you would shut your phone off! I do know three people with covid just now. Hope yours isn't bad. So there are cataracts, and something else. This is just too much, my friend. Thank God for audio books.

  8. You and I share two of our favorites: Remarkably Bright Creatures and Take My Hand. Both were just so good!

    I am sorry to hear that 2022 continued to be unkind to you. My dad had cataract/laser surgery and it went well so I hope yours goes smoothly as well as your other health issues. Here's to a much better 2023 and may you feel better soon!

  9. Great to see your post, Diane! Despite needing surgery, you still completed more than most everyone, including me by double the books. Great fiction number! I hope you feel better soon & get beyond Covid. I still need to read the Mary Lawson book ... and I enjoyed Lucy by the Sea too. Rest up Diane. 2023 will be better than 2022.

  10. Oh Diane, sorry to hear about the health issues! Wishing you a lot of health and happiness in the new year! Thank you for getting this post up as it's so fun to see favorites and all that.

  11. I've been wondering about your absence in blogging, Diane. I hope your eye surgeries go well and that you'll be back to reading print books quickly. Take care and here's to new beginnings in 2023! 

  12. I was so happy to see this post, Diane. You have been greatly missed around here! After all you've been through, I'm sorry to hear that you came down with Covid. Ugh!! In spite of your vision problems, you did very well with your reading. More than double what I read!

    A Town Called Solace and Winter Solstice both made my favorites list this past year, too. I have most of the rest of your favorites on my TBR list for 2023. Glad to know you enjoyed them so well.

    Take good care, my friend. xo

  13. Welcome back, if only sporadically. I've been there - laser, cataract surgery for both eyes, etc. Wishing you the best of luck. Enjoy those audiobooks!

  14. I am sorry to hear you caught COVID. I hope it hasn't been too bad for you. I am also sorry to hear about your vision. I hope the surgery goes well, Diane. I keep seeing Remarkably Bright Creatures on the favorites lists, and will have to check it out. I hope 2023 will be better for all of us!

  15. I sure hope all is lots better for you, I really do. I wish you all the best on the eye surgery, I've had both too.

  16. I finally fixed the commenting issue! Hooray! I hope covid resolves itself quickly. Gage and I had it in December and it wasn't great, but we got through. Ladder of Years is one my my favorites from Tyler. I hope your vision issues resolve. My father had cataract surgery last year that caused a detached retina. I'd never heard of such a thing! I hope every day brings you closer to the year you want.

  17. I also enjoyed several books on your list--Winter Solstice was a reread and just as good the second time round, A Town Called Solace with also excellent, and Take My Hand is definitely on my list for 2023. Speaking of which, here's to a better, healthier, calmer year for you. Best wishes for your surgery and solving your vision problems--at least we have audio books! Take care.


Thanks for taking the time to visit and double thanks for any comments. If you ask a question in your comments, I will try to reply to it here, or by email if your settings allow me to do so. Thanks again for visiting.