Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Time Wasters ~ Why I'm Reading Less ~ Apps

Of course I LOVE books, love reading, but find myself reading a bit less lately. It's not my fault it. I blame it on an addictive personality, my husband, my iPad, iPhone, and Apple in general.  Here is how I wasted spent too many hours over this (3) day weekend.

This is the major reason. You start out with 100 points, and if you get to zero they reload you with 100 points.  My husband and I are competing to see who keeps the higher score. We are both in the 4,100-4,300 point range. The cool thing about this particular poker game is that it has a double down feature, so when you win, you have a chance to double your winnings.  

The premise is simple -- use a slingshot to launch angry birds into the air. Their mission? Destroy the evil pigs.
Check out the video in case you are not familiar with this one.

What are some of your favorite time wasters or Apps?
(I need more distractions)

PS....It is snowing yet again 3-5" predicted on top of the 18".


  1. Diane, I have to say I was giggling when I was reading your post! I haven't been reading much lately either but that is because I've been knitting and making up my jewelry orders. I hope you win!!

  2. I like playing Literati on Yahoo games. It's a version of Scrabble, with many, many very good players. Some of them though can be sore losers and others have programs to help them cheat! Fun overall though.

    Here's my book review and giveaway: Delirious

  3. Oh yes, I have wasted many reading hours playing Angry Birds as well. I don't think the game is totally to blame though, as I have been having some stuff going on that makes it really hard for me to sit down and read, so Angry Birds seems like the only thing I can do!

  4. If those Angry Birds are mean to you, just let me know, I'll take care of it!!!

  5. Angry Birds...argh, I also have spent way too many nights playing that horridly wonderful game. There needs to be a challenge on monitoring how many hours we are able to NOT spend playing that game...I fear I would fail that challenge miserably..... :)

  6. This makes me feel so much better about spending way too much time playing Zuma. I don't have an iPhone or I'm sure I'd be playing Angry Birds too.

  7. I don't have any fun apps on my phone, just functional stuff but on my Kindle I get caught up with Every Word. Totally bugs me too because I turn it on to read, and then get caught trying to get to the next level.

  8. I am trying so hard not to download any game apps! I am already such a procrastinator!

  9. Biggest time waster right now is our Roku with which we connect up to Netflix to watch movies and...even a larger time waste...TV shows by the oodles. I also am addicted to CityVille...actually I'm trapped by it because now I'm connected to all these other folks and their city's infrastructures might fall apart if I try to demolish my city! :)

  10. I have an addictive personality as well so thank goodness for blogging, right? My other addictions that often count as time wasters are: Facebook and Craigslist and reading People.com consistently!
    I have heard of Angry Bird but since you say it is so addicting I will stay away from it!
    Thanks for wishing me a speedy recovery from my bout w/the stomach virus. I am better now, just in time to launch my 1st blogoversary giveaway! Be sure to check it out if you can!

  11. I've heard how addictive Angry Birds is, so I'm doing my best to stay away from it.

  12. My class of eight year olds have been talking about Angry Birds for weeks; now I know what they refer to! I must be happy in my own little world....;) Happy and ignorant, apparently.

  13. I am not familiar with Angry Birds. But sometimes I have to choose between playing a game of Scrabble on my iTouch or reading before bed. I feel guilty if I choose Scrabble, as I have so many books that I should be, could be, reading.

  14. I have started playing solitaire on the computer. I haven't played Angry Birds and will try to resist it.

  15. Oh I got hooked on Angry Birds last summer! That is a good one.

    I had a good time playing Diner Dash!! Right now, I'm just hooked on Sudoku. I mistakenly believe it somehow makes me better at math.

  16. My son has been playing Angry Birds, now I must check that one out. I play a lot of Boggle!!

  17. Same here, haha. I have been playing with Words with Friends and Carcassone with my kids who are out of state on my I- pad too! Nice to connect with them this way. Too funny!

    How are you able to do angry birds. I get so frustrated and angry! LOL!

  18. I'm not too big on apps, but I do love having access to my e-mail on my phone. How did I ever manage without it? LOL

    I do enjoy playing Angry Birds now and then but it sure is a power suck. I can only play it if I know I'll be someplace I can recharge my phone if I need to.

  19. I am not reading because I am so darn distracted with loads of things happening and all that.
    This post is so cute! Game on, my dear! Beat your Hubby and win! Go Diane!!

  20. I have found I'm spending less time online (yeah me) since getting my iphone a few months ago but I do love Boggle and enjoy playing scrabble with friends/family across the country. You don't want to play with me though... it's been 3 weeks since I looked at my scrabble ap!

  21. Angry Birds has stolen a lot of my time too! I also read way too many blogs and find myself not reading anything else. Or updating my blog for that matter.

  22. My son plays Angry Birds and had to show me. Thankfully I am horrid at it, or I would be wasting my time too.

  23. I understand, I got the new Ipod for Christmas. As for favorite apps, have you seen Google Earth? Two more favorites are Grimm Fairy Tales (in 3d) and The Sherlock Holmes Collection. All three are free and have not put a dent in the available memory.

  24. I am absolutely addicted to Bookworm.


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