Saturday, May 5, 2012

Saturday Snapshot - May 5th - Biggest Moon of the Year

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DID YOU HEAR that in the U.S. today, May 5th, the moon will reach peak fullness at 11:35 p.m. EST?

Almost simultaneously,  the moon will reach its closest point to Earth in its orbit. Because of the moon's closeness to Earth, Saturday's super-moon will be especially pronounced.

This photo was actually taken by me, last night, on Friday, May 4th at about 8:30 pm.  I'll try to remember to be out there again tonight around 11:30 p.m. to catch the moon at it's biggest and brightest.

Do you plan to check out the moon tonight?


  1. Gorgeous.
    I shall be on the watch for this orb, tonight!

  2. I didn't know about the "super" moon tonight, but if we don't have clouds, I'll try to take a look.

  3. Awesome photos...and facts. I did not know that about the moon tonight. Something to add to my list today...thanks!


  4. My photos were of last night too, before we had a big thunderstorm. I wonder if we'll see the moon tonight here in TX.
    My Snapshot.

  5. Great photos. Can't wait to see you pictures taken tonight!

  6. I saw the moon last night, it was amazing. I wasn't aware of the super moon tonight, thanks for sharing! Hopefully the sky is clear here so I can see it, it will be amazing.

  7. I knew about the super moon, but it didn't look all that super last night (in Australia at least), not as bright as a normal full moon anyway. Will have to check it again tonight.

  8. The moon was spectacular last night, wasn't it?! I'm glad to hear it will be that way again tonight. I'll be on the lookout to watch it rise. We usually get a pretty good view over the lake when the skies are clear.

  9. I just commented on someone else's photo that I hoped to get a good shot of the supermoon tonight, hoping that it might be next week's Saturday Snapshot :-) These are great pics!

  10. I am a full moon freak! I can't wait to see it rising. We are having our book club meeting this evening and plan on sitting under the moon.

  11. I wil be out there tonight looking upward, that is, if I haven't fallen asleep from the mint juleps ... we're invited to a Kentucky Derby party this evening ... any bets on the winner?

  12. Wow!! Didn't you get great shots of the moon!!!! NICE!! I didn't know it'd be "so" close tonight! thx!!

    1. I pinterest-pinned your picture & quote - way cool!!

  13. If we get a break in the clouds I'm going to try for some moon shots tonight.

  14. Lucky for us west coasters it's at I don't have to stay up past my bedtime! :-D

  15. Wow, that first one looks like the sun, it's so bright! And that second one with the clouds--LOVE it. Perfect for a good horror story.

  16. yep they call today the "Super" Full moon. Little known fact: kidney stone sufferers like me, dread the full moon because for some reason that is when stones decide to become cranky!

  17. They were just talking about this on the news here this morning. I plan on taking a look!

  18. Great moon shot. I'm also trying to catch the moon as its fullest this month, but the weather forecast doesn't look very promising. Best of luck :-)

  19. I knew it was to be a full moon, but I didn't know it would be a "big" moon. Great job with the photos. I can never seem to capture the moon well with a camera.

  20. I really hope that we have a clear sky tonight so we can see it!

  21. I love the photo with the clouds. Great perspective. Bet you can still cover it with your thumb, no matter how big it gets!Here's Mine

  22. Great shot - My pics of moons never come out very well but I will give it a shot when I am out tonight.

  23. No wonder I've been so bitchy lately! :)

  24. I do plan to check it out but we have been cloudy and rainy so I am not sure what tonight will hold. Hope I get a glimpse.

  25. My husband wants to drive out to the desert to check it out tonight. He's pretty jazzed about it - your moonshots look amazing!

  26. You did great! I can never get the moon to come out as more than a dot in my pictures!

  27. Those are great - wonderful atmosphere to them.

    Here are my British Snapshots

  28. I definitely plan to see the HUGE moon tonight!

  29. Last night we were in Benecia ( across San Francisco,California) and saw the moon rising above the Benecia bridge and the sun setting over the Carquinez bridge.
    Thank you Diane for info about the moon tonight.

  30. Great pictures of the moon. I'm going to try to see the moon tonight, but it's been cloudy all day and I'm afraid all we'll see here are clouds.

  31. My Dad said he has the camera ready and is going to moon someone tonight. Wait, maybe that isn't quite right!

  32. oh wow i did not know that! i was out last night to look at that gorgeous moon, but now i will be out there and ready with my camera at 11:30!

  33. I just heard about the perigee on the news and certainly am going to be howling, I mean gazing, at the moon tonight. Yours pix are so beautiful. It should be an amazing sight!


  34. Great moon pictures. I've had mixed luck trying to take pictures of the moon like that. May have to try again tonight (if the clouds go away...).

    Here's my Snapshot

  35. What wonderful photography! How and what kind of camera did you use to take such beautiful and clear shots of the moon? I look forward to seeing you post your 11:35 pm photo later. ;)

  36. Love the moon pictures. I've never managed to get a decent shot of it, and I've tried several times. I wonder if the moon was really big here in the UK? I don't remember seeing anything about it.

  37. Love the second picture with the clouds wisping over the moon. Gorgeous!

  38. Yes! We went out for a walk around 10 pm and loved the sight of that moon.

  39. I always pay attention to the full moon. It used to be due to a sense of self-preservation because I worked with the public for years, but I grew to love it because the full moon is so bright here in Arizona that I feel as though I could get moonburned when I sit outside at night to gaze at it.

  40. We had so much cloud cover that you couldn't see a thing. Darn!

  41. Thanks everyone for you comments. We stayed up until 11:35pm last nigh, but it had been cloudy all day, so we didn't get to see the moon:( oh well, NOW, I'm really glad I got these photos the night before.

    Have a great week everyone.

  42. I forgot to check this out, oh well.

  43. Beautiful images of natural wonder. These are real treasures.



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