Thursday, May 31, 2012

Taking the "The Stand...along" this summer!

Trish of Love Laughter and Insanity is hosting a (2) month read-a-long of Stephen King's "The Stand". Have you read this massive tome?  If not, how about joining in?

Here are the details that Trish posted on her blog:

The Stand...along Basics:

What: Readalong of The Stand by Stephen King. I'm calling it the Standalong. :)

When: June 1st through July 27th.

Where: Sign up on this post. Midway post will go up July 1st. Wrap-up post will go up July 27th. If you are reading the original version, you should be at Chapter 38 for the midway check-in. If you are reading the "uncut" version, you should be at Chapter 48 for the midway check-in. I know, confuses me, too.

How: However you want. Original (shorter) version, Uncut version, Audio version. Post on your blog or don't. You don't have to have a blog (but it does make it fun). Chitchat on Twitter. Think I'll be using #standalong or maybe #thestand. Input?

Trish asks participants the following questions:

1. What makes you want to read The Stand?
It's been on my TBR list forever!
2. Describe your preconceived notions of The Stand.
Scary, nail biting moments
3. What was the last scary(ish) book you read or movie you saw?
Watched Stephen King's MISERY (it's a favorite - that Kathy Bates is scary.
4. Which version of the book will you be reading from?
Kindle's eBook
5. What are you previous experiences with Stephen King?
Loved his books in the 80's, then stopped reading him until 2011/12. 
Loved he latest book, 11/22/63

6. Anything else you'd like to add (bonus points for being extra random).
Hope I can stay focused and finish this one. 
To all who join in - Have fun everyone


  1. YES! I'm joining, too and cannot wait to dive into this! I was planning to read it later this year for The Stephen King Project I'm co-hosting with Kathleen but if everyone else is going to read it at the same time, who am I to pass that opportunity up? Cannot wait to dive in tomorrow and start getting swept away in Stephen King yet again!

  2. Diane, I'm sure you'll be able to finish this book. King's books are long, but the pages fly by as you're reading. I hope you enjoy this one. (I need to read It before I attempt any other books by King.)

  3. This is wonderful and I wish you all much success!

  4. Hi Diane, I remember watching the mini series but wasn't into reading large volumes back then. Another one I shall put on my list.

  5. This will be so fun for your guys. (I read it with Sandy and maybe Ti? last year.) And Natalie gets so enthusiastic over what she reads, I bet it will be like having a cheerleader on your side the whole way!

    1. Sure Jill! Forget all about me, why don't you??

  6. I've got too much going on right now to join in, but if I was going to attempt a SK readalong this would be one of the few I'd be willing to read. :) It was the only movie/mini series of his that I've made it through.

  7. Have a great time with this one. I haven't read it in years, but I do know it's one of my favorite King books.

  8. Good luck, Diane! I hope you love it!

  9. One of my favorites. A book to be savored and not rushed through though.

  10. You're a brave woman. It's been ages since I've read Stephen King.

  11. I read this one a long time ago. I think I will re-read it through your posts!! Have fun with it!

  12. I am so happy that we are doing this! I got a paperback version and it's huge, which makes me think I should have gone the ebook way, too! :)

  13. Yay yay yay! I'm so glad you're joining us Diane! I hoped you would sign up. :) I remember my parents watching Misery when I was little. I sneaked downstairs to grab something and they both yelped at me to get back upstairs. Ha!! When I was in high school I attempted to read the book but my mom dissuaded me. My mom is actually joining The Standalong with us. :)

    Hope you have great nail-biting reading! ;)

  14. Yay! I'm participating as well :) How is it going so far for you??? I'm only on chapter 3 right now but I'm hoping to find the time to settle down with it this weekend. Good luck and hope you enjoy!

  15. Glad to hear you are joining in. I can't wait to hear what you all think of the book.


Thanks for taking the time to visit and double thanks for any comments. If you ask a question in your comments, I will try to reply to it here, or by email if your settings allow me to do so. Thanks again for visiting.