Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine that spotlights upcoming releases that we are eagerly anticipating! Want to participate? Post your own WOW entry on your blog, and leave your link at Breaking the Spine. My pick is one that won't be released until November 6th.  I'm hoping this one will be as good as The Poisonwood Bible - loved that book.

Harper - November 6, 2012

Book Description
Set in the present day in the rural community of Feathertown, Tennessee, Flight Behavior tells the story of Dellarobia Turnbow, a petite, razor-sharp 29-year-old who nurtured worldly ambitions before becoming pregnant and marrying at seventeen. Now, after more than a decade of tending to small children on a failing farm, oppressed by poverty, isolation and her husband's antagonistic family, she has mitigated her boredom by surrendering to an obsessive flirtation with a handsome younger man.

In the opening scene, Dellarobia is headed for a secluded mountain cabin to meet this man and initiate what she expects will be a self-destructive affair. But the tryst never happens. Instead, she walks into something on the mountainside she cannot explain or understand: a forested valley filled with silent red fire that appears to her a miracle.

After years lived entirely in the confines of one small house, Dellarobia finds her path suddenly opening out, chapter by chapter, into blunt and confrontational engagement with her family, her church, her town, her continent, and finally the world at large.


  1. So excited to see she has a new one coming out!

  2. Reading your synopsis I was expecting anything but what happened. Sounds very unexpected.

  3. Definitely one I'll have to check out. I've read several Kingsolver books that I enjoyed.

  4. I can't believe I've never read anything by this author...but this one sounds so intriguing. Thanks for sharing.

    Here's MY WOW POST

  5. Oh man, I want that one too. She is one of my favorite authors!

  6. I haven't read anything by her...can you believe that? I know I'm totally missing out. Putting this one on the list. I love that it's set in the South.

  7. I didn't know she had a new one coming out. She's been hit or miss with me. I adored Poisonwood Bible, but The Bean Trees fell flat. I hope this one is good!

  8. A new book by Kingsolver!!??!! I know many fans who are going to be over the moon with this one, and I am one of them! Thanks for sharing this!

  9. I don't have a blog, but I'm really, really anxious to read ISTANBUL PASSAGE by Joseph Kanon. I've read everything he's written and loved them all.

  10. I really enjoy this author although I still need to read her last book. This upcoming one sounds great though and I'll be keeping an eye out for it.

  11. FYI--it's up for download on Edelweiss. I'm trying to make myself wait a bit to read it closer to the release date, but it's hard! Enjoy!

  12. Yay! I've got it on my book calendar.

  13. Oooh, this does have an interesting premise! And it's by a wonderful author. :)

  14. One of my favorite authors. So excited to see she has a new book coming out.

  15. I still haven't read The Poisonwood Bible, but it's on my shelf and I don't think I've read a single bad review of it.

  16. Hrmmm..I have a love/hate thing with her books -- when they work, I love 'em, but when they don't, it's total loathing. Not sure about this one so I'll keep an eye out for your review!

  17. I'm not a huge Kingsolver fan, but this description intrigues me.

  18. Ooh, a new Kingsolver book and this is where I read about it first. It looks like a good read.

  19. I LOVE Kingslover! So excited to learn she has a new novel coming out!

  20. I haven't read Kingslover yet but her books sound so good.

  21. I haven't heard of this before - I think - but it sounds interesting enough to give it a closer look!

    Patricia // My WOW

  22. Whoo-hoo, so happy to hear Barbara Kingsolver is coming out with a new novel soon(ish)!

  23. I loved Poisonwood too and judging by the synopsis this could be really great!

  24. Diane, I am awarding you 'The Beautiful Blogger Award' for your fascinating insight into the world of books and your dedication. You may accept or decline the award. Look on my blog post to see what you have to do.

  25. I just loved 'the Poisonwood Bible' ... so I hope that this will be wonderful, too. Thank you for spreading the news once again!

  26. I must be living under a rock! I didn't know she had a new one coming out in the Fall. I can't wait!


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