Wednesday, November 21, 2018

(4) adorable Christmas Books for kids from Candlewick Press

Red and Lulu; Matt Tavares
Candlewick - 2017

Such a lovely Christmas story featuring two gorgeous cardinals who lived a happy life in a bog evergreen. It was a tree that sheltered them from the elements in all kinds of weather.  For Christmas, people even decorated their tree and sang songs there as well.

One day the huge tree was cut down and hauled off in a big truck; the cardinals were frantic. They flew fast but couldn't keep up and, soon found themselves in an unfamiliar place.  Their tree had found a new home where people come to sing as well -- Rockefeller Center in New York.

Gorgeous, vibrant illustrations, sweet story and a history of the Rockefeller Tree tradition as well -- Loved this sweet book.

Coming Home; Michael Morpurgo

Beautiful birds and Christmas just seem to be the perfect combination.  A beautiful red breasted robin braves the weather in hopes of returning home to his mate in time for Christmas.

Beautifully illustrated, somewhat poetic story that adults will appreciate reading to little ones. I do think early readers 6+ might be a bit frustrated trying to read and understand this one fully on their own. It is a lovely book though.

Little Christmas Tree; Jessica Courtney-Tickle
Big Picture Press - Candlewick - 2018

The Little Christmas Tree is the story of a lonesome Christmas tree with is slowly transformed into a thing of beauty.   A lovely, tall board book with little lift up flaps that hide elements of nature and colorful creatures everywhere. This is not your average board book, it's special: beautiful illustrations and design - a definite keeper.

 The Christmas Eve Tree; Delia Huddy
Candlewick - 2018

In this Christmas story a young homeless boy rescues a crooked, carelessly planted tree that no one wanted and was about to be discarded. He takes the tree to where he has been living, under a bridge, and decorates it, and an unexpected magical Christmas Eve is enjoyed by many. When Christmas is over the tree gets planted and lives on. The boy, now a young man, returns and admires the tree.  

This is a hopeful story. What starts out very sad, ends with a sense that the homeless boy is doing well as a young man.  This is a story that will take some discussion between adult and child as it might not be totally obvious how to interpret the ending from the final illustration.  I liked the old-fashioned illustrations and the beautiful surprise pop up as well.


  1. Happy holidays! I hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving...and those lovely Christmas books.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Comment, Take II :
      These books look and sound magical, Diane. The Christmas Eve Tree sounds especially touching.

      Have a lovely Thanksgiving!

  3. I am now so used to Christmas without snow that these books look funny to me. But no snow when we were kids was just as odd. Can a truck go faster than a cardinal can fly?

  4. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Diane! Thanks for the wishes you left at my site. Lovely set of Christmas books you have reviewed. Perfect for adults and kids alike.

  5. They all sound really good. Happy Thanksgiving from all of us.

  6. I like the sound of the Little Christmas Tree. It says 2-5, and I thought to myself that I'd better buy it this year! I'm sure you are feeling the same way. The little ones are getting old so quickly!

  7. Hi Diane,
    I've just ordered three of the books in your blog post from my library system--all but the board book. I'm a crazed children's book lover and Christmas picture books are a fave! I should have them all in my lap very soon! Thank you so much for writing about them.

  8. I'm getting ready to buy books for Gage's advent tree this week and the first and last one look perfect. Adding them to my wish list.

  9. What lovely Christmas books! I didn't realize that Michael Morpurgo had written one, I have really enjoyed many of his other novels.

  10. That cover of Red and Lulu. I die.


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