Tuesday, November 27, 2018

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - The Witch Elm; Tana French

Each Tuesday, Vicki, from I’d Rather Be At The Beach hosts First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros where  readers post the opening paragraph (sometime two) of a book that they are reading or plan to read.

The Witch Elm; Tana French
Viking - 2018


"I've always considered myself to be, basically, a lucky person.  I don't mean I'm one of those people who pick multi-million euro lotto numbers on a whim, or show up seconds too late for flights that go on to crash with no survivors.  I just mean that I managed to go through life without any of the standard misfortunes you hear about.  I wasn't abused as a kid, or bullied in school; my parents didn't split up or die or have addition problems or even get into any but the most trivial arguments; none of my girlfriends ever cheated on me, at least as far as I know, or dumped me in traumatic ways; I never got hit by a car or caught anything worse than chicken pox or even had to wear braces.  Not that I spent much time thinking about this, but when it occurred to me, it was with a satisfying sense that everything was going exactly as it should."

What  do you think? Read more or pass?


  1. I've read on Tana French novel and I didn't really like it so I've been hestitant to pick up another though I always hear good things about her novels. MK French is featuring at Christmasy romance today at Girl Who Reads

  2. Definitely planning to read this one!

  3. I have the first book in the series...and I really must read it! Great excerpt. Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

  4. I have read all her books so far. I think she is amazing. I have The Witch Elm on hold at the library, but so does everyone else in Los Angeles apparently.

  5. Hi Diane!

    Oh i do like that beginning. Looks like a good one. Wouldn't mind adding that!

    Here is my post for today.

  6. Reviews I have read on this book say it is a slow burner but gets better as it goes along. I think you should give it a try. I have it on my tbr list.

  7. This sounds good. I'll have to add it to my wishlist.

  8. Definitely keep reading. Most bloggers who have reviewed this one have loved it.

  9. I love Tana French, so I say YES, keep reading. This one is different from her others, but still compelling and well-written. I enjoyed it!

  10. I like this author. The book is new to me.

  11. I read it and enjoyed it, as I do all of her books! Hope you like it.

  12. I read this author ages ago, loved the book until the end, I was so angry I haven't read her since. This may be the book that pushes me back for her, thanks for sharing xxx

    Lainy http://www.alwaysreading.net


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