Tuesday, November 20, 2018

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - Elevation; Stephen King

Each Tuesday, Vicki, from I’d Rather Be At The Beach hosts First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros where  readers post the opening paragraph (sometime two) of a book that they are reading or plan to read.

Elevation; Stephen King
Scribner - 2018

Chapter 1

Losing Weight

"Scott Carey knocked on the door of the Ellis condo unit, and Bob Ellis (everyone in Highland Acres still called him Doctor Bob, although he was five years retired) let him in.  Well, Scott, here you are.  Ten on the dot. Now what can I do for you?

Scott was a big man, six-feet-four in his stocking feet, with a bit of a belly growing in front. I'm not sure. Probably nothing, but... I have a problem. I hope not a big one, but it might be.

What do you think?  (It's just 146 pages instead of the heavy tome King generally writes.)


  1. Hope you enjoy this one. Stephen King got too scary and creepy for me to read several novels ago.

  2. I have enjoyed some of SK's books, and this one does sound tempting. Thanks for sharing, and here's mine: “GONE SO LONG”

  3. Oh yea, if it's the King dude it's a problem!

  4. I really want to read this one. I'm going to add it to my wishlist.

  5. It's going on my hold list at the library!

  6. Even though I know he writes other genres, I always associate him with horror so have never read one of his books. I've seen some mixed reviews on this one. I hope you enjoy it. See what I'm featuring this week this at Girl Who Reads

  7. I'm not crazy about that start, but this one was among Amazon's Editors' Picks of Best of the Year. Hoping it's good and that you like it.

  8. I haven't read King since 11-22-63. Sonds good.

  9. I've been hearing good things about this short book. I'll watch for it.

  10. Diane, I'm wondering what the problem might be. Hmm....
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Diane!


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