Saturday, February 2, 2019

January Reading in Review

I had a pretty good January for books. I read (10) books and had one DNF, The Overstory by Richard Powers. The writing and story was thought provoking for sure, but for me, I think it was a matter of bad timing as this book is not to be rushed and required a lot of thought. Unfortunately my mind was elsewhere much of the month so easier reads worked better for me.

One thing I noticed was that most of my book choices for January took me outside of the US - loved this.  I traveled to the island of St. John's, Germany, London, Japan, Sweden, Switzerland and  France and then I did spend some time in the US as well: Iowa, Florida and Minnesota.

Favorite Book of the Month

  1. Winter in Paradise; Elin Hilderbrand - 3.5/5 (library print-Jan.)
  2. The Women in the Castle; Jessica Shattuck - 4/5 (eGalley and audio combo - Jan.)
  3. One Day in December; Josie Silver - 4/5 (eGalley - Jan)
  4. The Travelling Cat Chronicles; Hiro Arikawa - 4.5/5 (print-Jan)
  5. An Elderly Lady is Up to No Good; Helene Thursten - 5/5 (library print-Jan)
  6. What To Eat When; M. Roizen, M.D. & M. Crupain - 3.5 /5 (NF- library-Jan)
  7. The Lady With the Purple Hat; Otilia Greco - 1/5 - pass (library print-Jan)
  8. The Whistler; John Grisham - 3.5/5 (audio-library-Jan)
  9. Waiting for Bojangles; Olivier Bourdeaut - 4.5/5 (eGalley-Jan)
  10. Tapestry of Fortunes; Elizabeth Berg - 3/5 (audio-library-Jan)

Fiction - 9
NF - 1

Audios   - 3
eBooks  - 3
print      - 5
audio/eBook Combos - 1

Borrowed from Library - 7
Off my Shelves - 1
Kindle - 2

February Previews

  • Morningstar; Ann Hood (completed/no review yet)
  • Good Riddance; Elinor Lipman (eGalley) (in progress)
  • Great Expectations; Charles Dickens (audio-library)  (just starting)
Happy Reading!


  1. I love to read about other cultures too. You had a great month!

  2. That was a busy month but it sounds like a good reading one!

  3. I have a couple of your January books on my list to try at some point. Nice month, Diane. Hope all is well at your house and you'll have a very nice February. :-)

    1. Thanks Kay, all is well, winters in New England can be beautiful but cabin fever is not LOL

  4. I'm anxious to read Helene Tursten's book! I've heard such good things about it.

  5. I started the Travelling Cat Chronicles and hope to get back to it soon!

  6. Great mix of books! I love it when I can travel through books. Here is my January report:

  7. You've been traveling far and wide. You had a good reading month overall: 5 so-so reads and 5 very good ones. Happy reading (and listening) in the month of February!

  8. Great month for you. Where is the island of St. John's I wonder?! Will have to look that one up. Happy February!

  9. Wow you had a good January! I look forward to hear what you think of Good Riddance -- I hope it's a fun one.

  10. January was a great reading month for you, Diane! I hope February will be exceptional as well. I am especially interested in reading #5 on your list. Have a good weekend!

  11. Looks like a good month. My January had tons of books since I had to read 14 graphic novels for CYBILS.

    1. Do you know that I've never read a graphic novel? I hope you enjoyed your January books.

  12. I love traveling but most of it has to be done via books. At least that is something right? What a great reading month you had! I really want to read the Helen Thursten book. So glad to hear you gave it 5 stars!

  13. Uh, oh—I just picked up an audio copy of The Overstory from the library. Maybe listening to it will enable me to like it better than you did.

  14. Sounds like a great month! Dickens in audio is great. I listened to A Tale of Two Cities a few years ago. My recap is here:


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