Sunday, August 4, 2019

The Last Resort; Marissa Stapley

AUTHOR:  Marissa Stapley
PUBLISHER: Grayden House
PUB. YEAR: 2019
SETTING: Mexico - Mayan Rivera
RATING - 3.5/5

A tropical island, a hurricane and a few marriages on the rocks made for a surprising, suspenseful and atmospheric novel.

Drs. Grace and Miles Markell are well known couples therapists who run Harmony Resort; he's 52 and she's just 35. If your marriage is in trouble and money is no object, this resort and the intensive therapy sessions it offers may be just what is needed to save a marriage.

Johanna and Ben are pretty much newlyweds but, already their marriage is in trouble. She is a social worker and has a good deal of emotional baggage affecting the marriage.  Shell and Colin, on the other hand, have been married 20+ years, but he's a workaholic and together they have also had to deal with a traumatic experience.  Miles, Grace and assistant Ruth are not at all what I was expecting.  Miles is a power hungry, ego maniac and Grace a victim of his emotional abuse. As the couples begin intensive 2-week sessions, deep, dark secrets begin to get revealed all around. 

This book took me a bit longer to finish than expected-- it started off slow and then picks up. I thought some of the issues that came out seemed more realistic than others and I was surprised that this was a darker story than I had expected as well.  Some of the therapy seemed questionable and while the cover seemed somewhat serene, the story was not.  I felt a feeling of dread as I was approaching the last quarter of the book and the ending was somewhat explosive as well. Honestly, I was on the fence about how to rate this one and finally decided on 3.5/5 stars. 


  1. Well, we do like the sounds of a tropical island!

  2. Reading about other people's therapy sounds a bit ... off? Not sure of the right word. Too bad this one wasn't as good as you hoped it would be.

  3. I love the cover but don't think this one is for me. I do like that it did seem to build after a slow start. That usually makes for a good read!

  4. Hmm, pretty cover but a dark story inside. Not sure about the ones that start off slowly; they usually lose my interest before they pick up. If I see this at the library I might read it, just to see what you are talking about. Thanks for sharing.

  5. I like the double entendre of the title. Novels that include therapy always kind of creep me out but I can't turn away. I can understand about your mixed feelings.

  6. Looks like you have a resort theme going in your reading!

  7. I usually love the messy marriage stories, but this might be more drama than I can handle right now.


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