Tuesday, April 14, 2020

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - You Are Not Alone; Hendricks & Pekkanen

Welcome to First Chapter/Intros, now hosted by  Socrates Book Reviews
Thanks to Yvonne for taking over FCFPTI. Each week readers post the first paragraph (sometimes 2) of a book they are reading or planning to read. Feel free to join in.

You Are Not Alone; Hendricks & Pekkanen
Macmillan Audio - 2020

Chapter One


Numbers never lie. Statistics, charts, percentages--they don't contain hidden agendas or shades of gray.  They're pure and true.  It isn't until people start meddling with them, spinning and shaping them, that they become dishonest.
--Data Book - page 1

Two WINEGLASSES ARE ON the coffee table, evidence of a romantic night.  I clear them away, rinsing the ruby-colored stains pooling at the bottom of the goblets.  The coffee is brewing, filling the galley kitchen with the aroma of the dark roasted beans Sean introduced me to when I moved into his Murray Hill Apartment eighteen months ago.

What do you think - read more or pass.  (This is my third thriller by this duo, hoping this is as enjoyable as the others.)


  1. I loved this book, Diane. Hope you are enjoying it. Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

  2. Oh, yes. The bit about data and statistics and manipulation of numbers caught my attention.

  3. I've read other books by these authors--they are real page turners!

  4. No, I'd pass, I can get confused on my own/

  5. I tried and read all the way to page 74, and just wasn't getting into the story. I just didn't care about the main character so I am dnfing this book. I read their other two books and liked them fine. Maybe I would of liked it in a different time than we are living in now.

  6. I read the first book these authors wrote together and liked it. I own the second, but somehow haven't read it. And I'm interested in this one too. I'll likely get to it at some point.

  7. I have this one waiting for me to read. It really looks good. I read another book by these authors and I really liked it.

  8. That bit didn't really appeal to me. I think I was a little put off by that first person narration style. And that's kind of strange because I usually enjoy first person stories.

  9. Sounds like it could easily brew into a fast page-tuner - I love these domestic thriller books!

  10. I would stick with it because the premise sounds interesting. The first paragraph is pretty humdrum, though.

  11. I have this on my TBR. I really liked the last book by this writing team and this sounds really interesting.

  12. Oooh, sounds like a good one!

  13. The opening lines remind me of what we are currently seeing with all the COVID-19 numbers we are getting. It sounds like a good book.


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