Sunday, April 26, 2020

Week in Review

It's a rainy, cool Sunday with several more days of rain coming this week.  Not the type of weather that will raise our spirits during our stay at home times.
Reading / Reviews Needed…
Still need to review: 

Books Reviewed Last Week…

Currently Reading/listening to:


We've been enjoying some old black & white movies on Turner Classics. This week we watched Sitting Pretty (1948) Robert Young, Maureen O'Hara and Clifton Webb which was a fun comedy and Laura (1944) Clifton Webb & Gene Tierney (noir/mystery).
Exercise and other highlights…
We managed to walk 4 times this week. We also took a ride to spend some time outdoors with my son, DIL and youngest granddaughter.  Haven't been together in months and even though it was just under an hour, it was so nice to chat and catch up.
In The Kitchen…
Another good Instacart experience which included TP - it was Scott's but we will take it - LOL I also purchased the ingredients for the turkey meatloaf recipe Ti@ Book Chatter shared last Sunday.,
Today’s To Do List…
No walk today as it's raining so it will probably be some card games, reading and dinner preparation.  We haven't had our dress-up for dinner and cocktails evening yet. Maybe next week as our anniversary is the beginning of May.

Retail Therapy...

I been a fan of Milk Shake Hair products, they work great and smell so yummy too.  This week's new product was a leave in conditioner that eliminates the fly-away static, leaves hair silky and smells so good.

Looking forward to… (same as last week)
Doing some of the things that I used to take for granted - having family over for dinner, getting a haircut, lunches out, shopping, Starbucks (without 30 cars ahead of me) and buying hanging flower baskets around Memorial Day. Hoping the beaches will be open this summer.
                                                             How are all of you doing?


  1. We were out Costco shopping yesterday and on the way back, I was hoping to get some Starbucks coffee. Unfortunately, they were closed and have been since the shutdown started. Good for them - I know they have some really good policies during this shutdown period but boy, I'm missing them.

    1. All of our Starbuck's are open. You have to place your order on the app and pick up in drive thru.

  2. We've been doing a lot of walking too...walking with my daughters and strolling my little grandson have been definitely some of my favorite things during this crazy life we're living.

    1. I'm enjoying daily walks much more than I ever did, perhaps because there isn't much else we can do outdoors - parks and beaches closed.

  3. We survived a hail storm the other night. Ours were about golf ball size, but a neighborhood over had baseball size hail! I'm still restless, but keeping a positive outlook, although overlaid with with that thread of anxiety. The weight of uncertainty is always there, but we have groceries (I love order online and pick up at the store), my husband is becoming a recipe hunter, there are plenty of books.

    1. Isn't the weather crazy? We've had a lot of wind and rain but the weekend is suppose to be lovely.

  4. I agree, I cannot wait to see people in person; zoom just isn't the same.

    1. I'm wondering just how back to normal our summer will be.

  5. I'm so behind on writing about what I've read, I'm close to giving up.

    We've had good experiences with Instacart, too. I've never ordered online so much in my life and, some days, am surprised by what I get in the mail.

    I want to read the new Swanson book soon.

  6. I'm fortunate to have a hairstyle that requires little attention. I got mine cut in preparation of our two-month road trip, so I'm good for the duration. I can probably go 6-12 months without anything but a trim to even up the ends, but I will miss getting my highlights later this fall, if the salons don't open by then. Even then, I'll be nervous since I live with my 87-year-old mother.

    The sun is shining and it looks to be a gorgeous day, so I plan to walk into our little coastal town and sit on the sea wall and watch for whales. I'm listening to Daisy and the Six, which is very good, much to my surprise!

    We've had take out the past three nights, so tonight I'm fixing beef stroganoff. I made zucchini bread/cake a few days ago and we've been nibbling on it all weekend.

    1. We haven't done take out in over 6 weeks. I've been making 2 meals a day and often they are simple or repeats but, the hub isn't fussy thankfully.

  7. We've had rainy days as well, but not this last week. Yay! Meant I got out and walked each day. We are not surprised by storms and rain in the spring, but they can just come at night as far as I'm concerned. I'm still not sure what my 'regular' life will look like when things are more normal. A lot of my activities are ones that I can't control the setting or the people. My husband was saying that when they go back to the office, he can just close his door. I can't do that while doing stuff at the library or at yoga or my WW meetings. It may take a while for 'normal' to come around, if it ever does exactly. Hope your week is good and you get some outdoor times between showers.

    1. We've had a lot of rain and/or wind. So happy this weekend will be beautiful and near 70.

  8. I wish I could share some of our sunshine with you--and some of the heat (it might take the edge off a bit. LOL). I'm just glad we have sunshine after days and days of rain. I am glad you were able to visit for a short time with family. I know how hard is not being able to visit more. And it's so hard on the little ones. They don't fully understand. I hope you have a good week, Diane.

    1. Thank would be nice if you could share your warm sunny days. We are in for a nice 70 degree weekend.

  9. Sounds like a productive week, considering the circumstances, and all. We used to watch a those TCM movies a lot, but haven't done so since this all started. Makes me wonder why we let that happen.

    1. I think we all tend to fall into routines --good and bad I think.

  10. That's great that you've been getting your exercise in and reading a lot! I've been swamped with work but at least I can work from home so I'm happy about that. Thank you for sharing about milkshake products. I'm going to have to check those out!

    1. Working from home is a bonus; my son has had that luxury as well.

  11. Our weather can't make up its mind. It was grey and super windy and then would suddenly get sunny and then go back to grey. And it was cold (well cold for Alabama at the end of April) so I was happy just to stay inside. I'm so relieved my hair works well in a ponytail or I would be in big trouble! My husband's hair is getting long for him and he's trying to get me to cut it for him but so far I'm resisting! We've been watching a lot of British crime shows on Amazon Prime but a break for classic movies sounds like it'd be fantastic. I know we've got Key Largo recorded but I need to browse TCM. I'm a big fan of Gene Tierney so that's always a draw. I hope you have a lovely week.

    1. Your weather sounds like ours LOL

      I keep wanting to watch British crime but sometimes have issues with dialect.

  12. The one thing I miss is my hair colour and pedicure! other than that I am fine.

  13. I'll look for that milk shampoo. I have flyaway hair sometimes and don't want to use conditioner all the time. Happy reading week!

    1. It's actually a leave in foam conditioner, but, their shampps smell yummy as well.

  14. I'll look forward to seeing what you have to say about Weather, a book I read and greatly enjoyed last year. Have a good week. Sometimes sameness is a very good thing.

    1. Routines are something I've always enjoyed but, on the flip side when they are broken it's difficult: ie: in person book group and yoga especially.

  15. Did you make the meatloaf? I doubled the batch and made sandwiches all week long and it was good. Right now I have a pork roast in the Crock for pulled pork sliders.

    I am really looking forward to browsing in a bookstore and eating in a restaurant but I heard that masks will most likely be required when they re-open for dining. How can you eat with a mask on?

    1. No meatloaf yet but, perhaps this weekend. I think when our restaurants reopen it will be takeout for the closed ones or dining out first and less occupancy indoors.

  16. Loved You Are Not Alone, Eight Perfect Murders, and The Red Lotus.

    I also miss all those simple things we took for granted. I have a feeling that we will never take anything for granted again.

    Stay safe and well.

    1. I agree how quickly we miss what we once took for granted.

  17. Rain? Lucky you! It's hot and sunny here in Arizona. Supposed to be over 100 today. Ugh. This kind of weather (day after day after day) depresses me - I'd take rain over this any day!

    Glad you are well and that you got t.p. I still have a couple 6-count packages of Costco jumbo rolls left, but I'm going to have to restock soon-ish. Wish me luck!

    1. Oh wow Susan, too early for 100 degree temps - so sorry. T.P. is a luxury these days, there must be some serious hoarding going on.

  18. I'll be curious how Sea Wife is on audio? I'm almost done with Brother & Sister but, not a fan of Keaton's reading voice - happy it's relatively short.


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