Thursday, April 30, 2020

Book Review - Weather; Jenny Offill

TITLE:  Weather
AUTHOR:  Jenny Offill
PUBLISHER:  Random House Audio
PUB. YEAR: 2020
FORMAT: audio
RATING: - 4/5

Lizzie is a wife and mother who works in a library in New York . Lizzie has no formal library degree since she's been busy trying to help her own mother as well as her brother, who struggles with addiction. She has a good share of anxiety as she constantly worries about climate change and seems easily overwhelmed by daily stresses.

This is a pretty short novel that was clever and well written but, it's not the type of story that will not appeal to all readers. The writing is rather fragmented, almost a stream of consciousness style. The story never felt depressing and at times it was kind of funny. It was the kind of book that seemed appropriate for the stressful times many of us are finding ourselves in right now. I don't think the print version would have worked as well for me as the audio which was read by Cassandra Campbell who really did a fabulous job.


  1. Yeah the audio sounds the way to go ... I'm on the list for it. I could use a de-stresser kind of listen. thanks.

    1. I hope you like the audio - it really seemed fast paced but, then again, it was only a little over 4 hours I think.

  2. The stream of consciousness style probably wouldn't work for me.

    1. It usually doesn't work for me either but, this was just different enough for it to work.

  3. I read the print version and quite enjoyed its sardonic humor. Here's a link to my review:

    1. Your review was excellent Dorothy; I can tell how much you enjoyed this one.

  4. I have this one too. I liked her other book a lot. I feel lately like I have to really be in a certain mood to read and so far that mood is all over the place. But maybe since it's short I can get it read and off my list.

    1. It's very short and yes, different. I hadn't read Dept of Speculation.

  5. I liked her last book a lot and will read this one too. I'm glad you found it worthy!

  6. I doubt it will appeal to me. That not able to face problems puts me off.

  7. Hi Diane,
    I've heard and read so much about Weather. It seems as though it's being touted as one of the top novels of the year. I'm glad you liked it enough to keep reading, and that you liked the humor. This would be a book I'd like to get from the library, I think. Did you read the book on Audible only?

    1. Weather was quite different and yes, I went with the audio - very good.

  8. I've seen this one mentioned quite a bit and would like to check it out. Glad to hear you enjoyed it.

  9. I had a hard time with Dept. of Speculation. I actually enjoyed the read and found it unique and fast-paced. But after finishing the book, I was very lost by the point of the book and what it all meant. For that reason, I'm very unsure about this book as well. I may try it to compare with the author's previous book and more out of curiosity but who knows. Glad you liked it though!

  10. I think I need a bit tighter of writing rather than stream of consciousness.

  11. I've been curious about this book. Dept. of Speculation was just okay for me so I haven't been in much of a hurry to get to Weather. Good advice to go the audio route... Cassandra Campbell is a favorite. Thanks.


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