Monday, May 4, 2020

Book Review - Eight Perfect Murders; Peter Swanson

AUTHOR:  Peter Swanson
PUBLISHER:  Harper Audio / William Morrow
PUB. YEAR: 2020
SETTING: Boston, MA - ME
FORMAT: eGalley/audio combo
RATING: - 5/5

Malcolm (Mal) Kershaw is the owner of Old Devil's Bookshop in Boston.   It's a bookshop that specializes in old, hard to find books and Mal knows mysteries better than most in the business. Years earlier this mystery lover wrote an article in which he compiled a list of murder mystery book titles which he believed to be the perfect murders and impossible to solve.

When an FBI agent appears at the bookshop one day asking him lots of questions, he learns she is working on unsolved cases that appear to be based on the list that Malcom had created years earlier. The more the agent digs, the more we learn about Mal and the secrets he's kept along the way.

Peter Swanson is a mystery author that hasn't disappointed me yet and this book was another winner. It was the perfect reading/listening experience for me (my husband found it quite engaging as well). I loved how the protagonist's personal life gets exposed the more authorities dig into unsolved cases. Malcolm is a terrific, flawed, fully-fleshed-out character. This book had it all for me: intelligent mystery, lot's of clues, twists, a memorable protagonist and walk around Boston and New England and even a bookstore cat named Nero.  I came out feeling exhilarated because now I have a list of some great mystery classics to try as well.  The audio book was read by Graham Halstead and it was pitch perfect audio experience. 

For mystery lovers interested in the perfect murders list ---


  1. I love bookstore mysteries. I have read Strangers on a Train. Really liked it plus there is a good movie adaptation. I think I have also read Double Indemnity and have seen the movie. And I have read A Secret History; I recommend it!

  2. Boy does that sound good, thanks for telling us about it.

  3. I've loved every Swanson book I've read and am looking forward to this one.

  4. I've only read one of his books and I loved it so I'm definitely looking forward to this one. I think this probably appeals to every bookworm out there as it's set in a bookstore! :)

  5. I am glad to hear you enjoyed this one. I have only read one of his books, and enjoyed it. I keep wanting to read more.

  6. This sounds like something I would definitely like to read. I have read most of the "perfect murder mysteries" and I do love a good mystery.

  7. The best thing about "bookstore" novels is that you almost always come away with a list of other books you'd like to read. I love that. I've read the Cain, Highsmith, Tartt, and Christie ones on this list and especially enjoyed the Tartt and Cain ones. Highsmith is an intriguing author for a lot of reasons. Have you read The Talented Mr. Ripley or Ripley Underground? They were written more than a decade apart but are equally well done.

  8. Hi Diane,
    Since January, I've been hearing lots about this one. I marked it as a "Must Read" for me, and now I'm going to get it, and I think Ken will love it, too.
    And oh, A Secret History was a fantastic reading experience. In my forties, I was really down with whooping cough, if you can imagine! And this book helped me survive that, truly. What a ride! I'm taking note of the other titles you've mentioned, too. Thank you! I hope you and your husband are doing okay. How hard it is for us in the Northeast with this mess.

  9. I just finished the audio version last week! I need to read more by Swanson. :)

  10. Glad to hear how much you liked this one, Diane. I'm sort of saving it for a treat in a few weeks. I've liked all of Swanson's books so far. Have only read 2 of the books on the list and keep meaning to read A Secret History.

  11. Sounds like a fun read. I like the List and have read Donna Tartt's book! I'll try for Swanson's book on audio.

  12. This sounds interesting! I agree that The ABC Murders is one of the perfect murders but sadly I haven't read the rest.

  13. Thank you for picking my next audio book for me :)

  14. I'm intrigued by his bookshop! Old Devil's - what a great name. Sounds like a fantastic mystery.


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